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Well Trained Bodies - June 2017


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Upper body workout. I decided to swim for cardio. Haven't done that in a long time. I really enjoyed it. I will definitely add it as one of the cardio choices now that it's too hot to hike or run/walk outside. 


This was exactly the activity I was going to mention after your earlier post about looking for a new late afternoon cardio exercise. So glad it works out for you! 

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I wish I enjoyed swimming and was at least decent at it. I've always wanted to do a triathlon(just a sprint) but the swimming part gets in my way. I've taken lessons as an adult but didn't feel I progressed at all. 


You are not alone. There are often options of just running and biking in many triathlon circuits.  Or if you want to enjoy some exercise in the water, aqua-fitness classes can be really fun and easy on the joints.

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Strength training work this am, woot! Finally got some handstand practice in and it went surprisingly well considering I've been neglecting it for a couple of months. Now I need to figure out a schedule, I get spunky and do too much and end up hurting my shoulder. I think I'll work out again tomorrow then take off tomorrow since I have class on Fri, Ideally I would do M/W/F but I didn't feel up for it after gardening in the am(it's soooo hot) and next thing I knew it was time for yoga class.


The girls decided they were going to play gym today, that sure helps the motivation! They made signs for their gym and everything and set up a front desk and made ID cards.


We did pull-ups (dd7 can crank out some now with good form, dd10 doesn't quite have one anymore as she's put on weight recently as she's growing)




double elbow lever


L-sits (dd 7 can do a full l-sit and then swing her legs back- I'm totally jealous!- I can get my legs straight for a bit)

shrimp squats

plank/core work

hollow body hold- making progress here!



You are not alone. There are often options of just running and biking in many triathlon circuits.  Or if you want to enjoy some exercise in the water, aqua-fitness classes can be really fun and easy on the joints.

Maybe some day. We're finally getting some more bike time and I need to build my skills there too. I've got a good feeling about this coming year, with my youngest getting older and feeling better I'm hoping my activity level is even better this year and maybe dh could finally teach me to swim decently.

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Kayaked yesterday for two hours. I was a bit disappointed in the amount of on the water time I had as we had driven two hours to get to the lake. I was with a friend who wanted to use her small (single person) sailboat and there wasn't enough wind. We had double and triple checked the weather report and the winds were supposed to be perfect. We spent more time on the road than on the water.



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Okay so far I have completed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Shaun T week on Beach Body on Demand. Today was insane weights, that says it all. So now I head out to the water park with dd and float on the lazy river or wave pool to recover. I sure hope dd does not see the paddle board rentals at the beach area, I dont think I have the strength to stand and paddle after that workout.


Thursday Beach Body day 4 insane focus abs done plus 45 min run/walk/sprint

Friday done ripsanity

Saturday done

Sunday. Done......

Edited by lynn
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Worked out with the girls today-


various squats



hollow body holds


Tonight we've got to family night for Scout Camp, it's going to be HOT

I got in a nice walk by the river today, and some fun doubles tennis this evening with dh and dd. I have a competitive doubles tennis match tomorrow evening, so I didn't want to overdo it today. 

Good luck today!


Kayaked yesterday for two hours. I was a bit disappointed in the amount of on the water time I had as we had driven two hours to get to the lake. I was with a friend who wanted to use her small (single person) sailboat and there wasn't enough wind. We had double and triple checked the weather report and the winds were supposed to be perfect. We spent more time on the road than on the water.


That stinks! That is the hard part of kayaking, we have some kayaking close (like down the road) but it isn't the best. That had to be disappointing to drive so far and not get to be out very long. 

Okay so far I have completed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Shaun T week on Beach Body on Demand.  Today was insane weights, that says it all.     So now I head out to the water park with dd and float on the lazy river or wave pool to recover.  I sure hope dd does not see the paddle board rentals at the beach area, I dont think I have the strength to stand and paddle after that workout.

Ha, good luck :) 

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My competitive doubles tennis match went well. I played ladies doubles with my long-time partner and we won. It was fun. Then dh and I partnered up for some mixed doubles. I'm toast now.  :p



Zumba and upper body strength today. Finally caught up to where I was on push-ups before I went off the wagon for 6 weeks. 


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Tried a Spin Class today and this was my FB status:


Before Spin Class: Can't wait to try this. It's going to be great!

Middle of Spin Class: This is the stupidest thing ever and I hate everyone.

End of Spin Class: See you next time!  



:lol:  :lol:  :lol: 
















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I played tri-level team tennis this evening. My partner and I won. It was the first time we played together and the first time I've played competitive doubles in a while.


I'm not doing so well avoiding sugar. I crave it: body. mind, and soul.


I haven't been to the Y in a while and need to make a decision about the membership. No need to keep paying for it if I'm not using it.



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Biking today, skipped bodyweight work today since I plan to go to class tomorrow that is intensive with strength work.


We didn't do a long ride(maybe 30-45 min total I'm not sure) but I did make it up a fair sized hill twice. I can't remember the last time I made it up it without having to push it some. The second time I had dd3 on the bike seat.

Tried a Spin Class today and this was my FB status:


Before Spin Class: Can't wait to try this. It's going to be great!

Middle of Spin Class: This is the stupidest thing ever and I hate everyone.

End of Spin Class: See you next time!  



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

LOL, I did Spinning classes about 7 months PP from my first. I had lost the weight but still wasn't the same size and it was good to get me back in shape. It kicked my butt, I remember being saddle sore for a long time, I tired of it after a while but it was good for a season.

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I played tri-level team tennis this evening. My partner and I won. It was the first time we played together and the first time I've played competitive doubles in a while.


I'm not doing so well avoiding sugar. I crave it: body. mind, and soul.


I haven't been to the Y in a while and need to make a decision about the membership. No need to keep paying for it if I'm not using it.

Congrats on the win!


I know I need to cut out sugar, too It's so hard. I did it a few years ago and lost 18 lbs in two months without changing anything else.

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.... thinking about signing up for a Tough Mudder.....


Had wanted to do one a few years ago but then the one that was closer to me got canceled. Feeling spunky again I think I could do it, not the full 10 miles though. I'm not that much of a runner, especially to add on obstacles too. I've been contemplating buying a climbing rope for my b-day for fun, that would be good training :)......

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class this morning was a lot of HIIT.

core stuff, some arm stuff, squats of course

I need to do more upper body work today but I didn't sleep well and was out of the house all day, we'll see if I work up the motivation today, otherwise I'll do it tomorrow am

I'd also like to do a walk this afternoon

I got a kettlebell class in last night after 4 days of not working out. It was kind of tough! I'm surprised at how quickly I lost some conditioning. Do any of you have a similar experience? After just 4 days?

Ya, but it should be back in no time.

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I just finished my first singles tennis ladder match of the season. It was fun, and there were a lot of good rallies. The long rallies do make it hard to keep track of the score, sometimes. I did end up winning, though I had to really settle down and fine-tune my focus after a rough start.  

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I was kind of lazy yesterday too, I didn't do any exercise but I did get some cleaning done, the boys were coming home from Scout camp and we had been slacking.


Fri night we did take a walk, did a bit of running, climbed some trees, and then ended up sprinting (while carrying dd4) as we saw a wild hog a little too close to us!


Hoping to do an adventure today for Father's Day but the weather is looking iffy.

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Yesterday - I gave a tennis lesson to my first student. It was fun. I've also decided to try to become a USTA official. My area is in dire need, I'm also debating whether or not to get certification as a USPTA pro. I was a Developmental Coach many years ago before they changed the certification process. It's something to think about anyway.


Our family went out for a quick kayak/row around our local lake yesterday evening. It was cut short due to a storm that rolled in which darkened the sky and made being on the water a bit frightening.


I don't know what I"ll do today. 

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So, I talked to my fitness friend(only good friend much into exercising) about doing a obstacle/mud race as I'd like to do it with someone. She's not interested unless we did one a little closer. Well, I can't really find one worth doing(all the ones I see look lame and/or way too expensive) very close at all.


Anyway, on my search, I came upon triathlon listings and I started thinking about that again (as I said this has been a bucket list item for 15 yrs or so). I found one that looks doable and talked to dh about doing it with me :) He is a stronger swimmer and biker than me, just doesn't run at all. I'm not great runner but I know I can do 5k as I did 2 5k's last year and that is the distance of the run on the sprint tri. This one is a pool swim, which is much less intimidating and easier to train. The bike ride is 15 mi, on flatland, which I'm confident I can do. Anyway, it is nearly 3 months out, so a good amount of training time as we aren't exactly coach potatoes. 


Yesterday - I gave a tennis lesson to my first student. It was fun. I've also decided to try to become a USTA official. My area is in dire need, I'm also debating whether or not to get certification as a USPTA pro. I was a Developmental Coach many years ago before they changed the certification process. It's something to think about anyway.

Our family went out for a quick kayak/row around our local lake yesterday evening. It was cut short due to a storm that rolled in which darkened the sky and made being on the water a bit frightening.


I don't know what I"ll do today. 

Good for you on the coaching and the officiating. 

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serial posting.... 


Dh is going to look at a bike we found on Craigslist, older model but 20x nicer than his and (appears) in great shape. Better bikes were on our wish list for this year, now if we can find one for me, mine is an even crappier bike. I told him he already smokes me as it is if he gets a nicer bike I don't have a chance!


*side note* I should stop weighing for now. I'm eating exceptionally well- lots of veggies, moderate amounts, real whole foods. I've also been keeping active. Yet, I am keeping in the same range I have been in. On the plus side, I swear clothes are fitting better. A month or so ago I noticed that my shirts that had been tight were no longer tight and it seems I am continuing to firm up/slim (or at least I think I am, maybe it is just in my head!) 

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Bike ride Sun. evening- about 7.5-8 miles. 


Today I hope to do some upper body work- headstand, push-ups, pull-ups and hopefully a walk.


Nice ride, wasn't bad except a couple of hills. One hill was at least .5 miles long, I made it up, it was at the edge of my endurance and strength but I did it. I told the family we'll have to do 10 miles next Sunday. I'm confident that we could do the triathlon 15 mi. course now, it is flat land, but riding those hills are good for endurance. I'm hoping I can get us to the pool at least 1 or 2 days this week, we have a nice pool we can swim laps at. We need to be able to do 8 laps there to be able to do the distance for the triathlon. TBH I can probably only do 1/2 lap now as I've not swum in ages and my form isn't awesome(thus wears me out) but if I can keep at it I will add distance. The swim is the first event so I will be fresh at least, I'll just have to swim what I can and back float swim the remainder. I do have 3 months time and have been working endurance in other ways so hopefully, there will be some transfer there.


I really need a new bike but we'll have to wait until I find a good deal. For now, dh said there are some adjustments he could make to make mine ride smoother, he said the brake needs to be adjusted as it actually rubs a bit the whole time I'm riding, no wonder it seems so hard!

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Last week, I managed to get at least some strength training in for 5 days. (I alternate upper and lower). My lower body workouts were just bigger lifts (weighted squats one day; deadlifts the other), but at least I kept going. 


Can't say the same for cardio. There was some travel which interfered (can't really do much about sitting on your butt multiple hours in the car except stretch the limbs at rest stops) but I am also not transitioning well to summer (HOT) weather. Gotta do it!


ETA: Almost forgot: I caught back up to where I was before I fell off the wagon with push-ups (4 full length)  and the next workout, did one more!  That's a PR!  Don't laugh. I'm old! And I couldn't do anything but knee push-ups and not a whole lot of them when I was young and an athlete. 

Edited by Laurie4b
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This week, it's upper body MW, lower body T/Th. I travel again Thursday night and Friday morning. May be able to do some cardio out of town on Friday or Saturday this time. I will do bodyweight exercise strength training on Fri/Sat. 


Cardio, cardio, cardio....? 

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Tried a Spin Class today and this was my FB status:


Before Spin Class: Can't wait to try this. It's going to be great!

Middle of Spin Class: This is the stupidest thing ever and I hate everyone.

End of Spin Class: See you next time!  



:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Good for you! I know exactly what you mean :) I love spin. And hate it.

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I am really enjoying the weight training I'm doing. It's a private gym and the trainer works with four people (who are all doing their own thing) at a time. It's really motivating for me to see the other women who are doing chin-ups and lifting crazy weights. 


I'm also in a running group that is training for a 10 mile race. I won't actually be in town for the race, but the training has been fantastic. I just ran 15km yesterday - that's my longest run yet. 

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Signed up today for swim lessons, I'm going to take them at the same time as the kids (dh will help with the youngest). We'll take calsses Mon-Thurs this week and next, they have 2 more sessions, although with living out of town I doubt we do any session it is a pretty big pain.


No bodyweight work yet, I've been running errands all morning and am taking a break now. 

I am really enjoying the weight training I'm doing. It's a private gym and the trainer works with four people (who are all doing their own thing) at a time. It's really motivating for me to see the other women who are doing chin-ups and lifting crazy weights. 


I'm also in a running group that is training for a 10 mile race. I won't actually be in town for the race, but the training has been fantastic. I just ran 15km yesterday - that's my longest run yet. 

That sounds great, working out with others is motivating.

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I got in a nice hike this afternoon, and a little tennis this evening. I really wanted to simply nap the entire time, so getting any exercise in has been a big success! ;)


Tomorrow morning I have a singles tennis ladder match scheduled with a friend. It should be a lot of fun.



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Monday I didn't feel well, and didn't exercise at all. 


Yesterday, I swam for an hour and then did upper body workout and some weighted squats. Had to go down on the weight on the squats. I thought maybe the muscles were worn out from swimming.  

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Q for those of you who lift weights: 


Tues, my lower body lift was weighted squats. I have DOMS today. (I don't get it too often. What is kinda weird is that I couldn't squat my usual weight on Tues without losing form, so I went down some. Go figure.) 


Anyway, I am pretty sure I will have DOMS tomorrow given the intensity. That should be another lower body day. I am thinking it will be okay to do Romanian deadlifts since they target the posterior chain and clamshells that target the hip and outer thighs.  What do you think? 

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Laurie fwiw I find it helpful to do some work with DOMS, just take it slow and see how it feels. 


Swimming lessons last night. I could feel some fatigue in my shoulders but that is not surprising given that I've swam more this week than I usually do in a year. I have to miss lessons tonight because I have to teach a yoga class. I've got 3- 30 min classes(elementary kids) and I'm teaching an 1 hr long class with some teenagers.

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I've been playing and teaching a lot of tennis this week. I love being physically active but it's not enough. My body isn't changing - okay, that's not quite true. I have increased definition on my right arm and hand. I know it's from holding the racquet and having a strong forehand. 


It seems like I can only focus on one thing at a time when it comes to fitness. I know weight training will help with tennis as will other cardio. I really wish I could afford one of those body analysis type things and find out how much of my body is muscle, fat, etc. I don't agree with the BMI as it doesn't take muscle mass into account.


My biggest problem area is my gut. I have stress belly. 


If anyone has suggestions for how to work on my core and belly (and a way to stick with the plan) I am all ears.



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I've been playing and teaching a lot of tennis this week. I love being physically active but it's not enough. My body isn't changing - okay, that's not quite true. I have increased definition on my right arm and hand. I know it's from holding the racquet and having a strong forehand.


It seems like I can only focus on one thing at a time when it comes to fitness. I know weight training will help with tennis as will other cardio. I really wish I could afford one of those body analysis type things and find out how much of my body is muscle, fat, etc. I don't agree with the BMI as it doesn't take muscle mass into account.


My biggest problem area is my gut. I have stress belly.


If anyone has suggestions for how to work on my core and belly (and a way to stick with the plan) I am all ears.

I'm not sure that this is what you want to hear, but I don't know if you can ever totally get rid of the belly. I'm at an ideal weight now and I have muscle tone pretty much everywhere except for my belly. I had a little baby belly growing up, when I married, and it became bigger after kids. Ugh.


Since I've reached my goals, I've lost everywhere but still have the freakin belly. My mom has one, my grandmother had one and I'd bet my great grandmother had one. I've sort of come to terms with the "belly" but of course I would love to lose it and rock a two piece. Alas, I cannot. My dh insists that if I do core work I'll get definition, but I'm determined to prove to him that he's wrong wrong wrong. Hahah. I'm almost done my summer class and going into full training mode on Tuesday. If you're interested I'll keep you posted on any progress. Heck, I'll probably still post here anyway since you guys were my first workout buddies.

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Taught classes and walked yesterday. Classes went well, I taught 3 classes at school, 30 min each to 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. The 3rd graders were a bit rambunctious but I got them to calm down at the end and do some relaxation. The last class was at the juvenile offender home, 8 girls, all 15-16. At that age, it is much like a regular yoga class although I kept it pretty low-key and fun. The girls all seemed to enjoy it, although I could tell a couple were more skeptical. Although this isn't a paid gig I would like to go back, as a volunteer gig. I used to work with the girls way back when and enjoy it.


No strength training for me and I was glad I had to miss swimming lessons as my shoulders were feeling achy. I think I'm skipping my usual class today. It has been a busy week and I've got to be out of the house today as well, if I went to class I'd have to make a trip to town and come home and then go back to town 2 hrs later and then out to my friends house(another 30 min away), for who knows how long. 


Anyway, today will probably be cleaning and helping a friend move and some walking (we are getting a new dog today!).


I might try some strength work tomorrow, we'll see.  We're desperately hoping to take a nice long(ish) bike ride this weekend. Dh wants to either do the loop we did last weekend or hit the local trail(it has 20 mi. total and a good amount of hills). We also need to mow the yard, of course, all of that is contingent on the weather cooperating.

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I'm not sure that this is what you want to hear, but I don't know if you can ever totally get rid of the belly. <snip>

No!  (Covering my ears)


Well, there is surgery! A tummy tuck isn't awful, is it?


Realistically speaking, I hate those infomercials and weight loss programs which show women who have lost tens of pounds or hundreds of pounds and then have rock hard abs and look phenomenal. Just this morning (as I couldn't sleep for some odd reason), I was watching a PiYo advertisement. These women all ended up with beautiful abs. Amazing abs. How? How does someone go from a size 24 to a size 6 and end up with those abs without surgery?


Does anyone else hate sitting down? Sitting on the toilet (I know TMI) is the worst. It's like I sit down and the belly roll is free to take on new shapes and new dimensions. Ugh.

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No! (Covering my ears)


Well, there is surgery! A tummy tuck isn't awful, is it?


Realistically speaking, I hate those infomercials and weight loss programs which show women who have lost tens of pounds or hundreds of pounds and then have rock hard abs and look phenomenal. Just this morning (as I couldn't sleep for some odd reason), I was watching a PiYo advertisement. These women all ended up with beautiful abs. Amazing abs. How? How does someone go from a size 24 to a size 6 and end up with those abs without surgery?


Does anyone else hate sitting down? Sitting on the toilet (I know TMI) is the worst. It's like I sit down and the belly roll is free to take on new shapes and new dimensions. Ugh.

I hear ya. i have often thought about a tummy tuck, but can't bring myself to do it. My belly now has stretch marks and loose skin. It sounds horrible but I think it looks like a meat grinder attacked it! Tmi.

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No! (Covering my ears)


Well, there is surgery! A tummy tuck isn't awful, is it?


Realistically speaking, I hate those infomercials and weight loss programs which show women who have lost tens of pounds or hundreds of pounds and then have rock hard abs and look phenomenal. Just this morning (as I couldn't sleep for some odd reason), I was watching a PiYo advertisement. These women all ended up with beautiful abs. Amazing abs. How? How does someone go from a size 24 to a size 6 and end up with those abs without surgery?


Does anyone else hate sitting down? Sitting on the toilet (I know TMI) is the worst. It's like I sit down and the belly roll is free to take on new shapes and new dimensions. Ugh.

I think the weight just goes back to your stomach unless you purposely work at it. My neighbor had one a couple of years ago and now looks the same as before.


The only things that have worked for me have been cutting out sugar completely and Flat Belly Diet, which isn't a "diet" so much as adding certain foods to your meals. I need to do one or both again. *sigh* I don't think the extra skin will ever go away completely but being flatter underneath helps the appearance.

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