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Needle phobia and surgery


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Dd is having surgery next week and has a major needle phobia.  Inserting the IV will be the worst part of the whole thing by far.  Our family doctor gave her diazepam when she had a whole body scan, but it had no effect on her at all.  Any advice to make this easier for her?

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I used to have zero needle phobia but I've got it now.  Boy howdy.  They can give her a little whoo-hoo med that will lighten up the anxiety about the needle.  


ETA: they did this for my son when he had to have a tooth pulled when he was 9 or something.  

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They gave my DD some kind of happy pill before her surgeries that made her really relaxed and happy. They didn't insert the IV until she was asleep for at least one of the surgeries. Could you ask them to not stick her while she's awake?

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How old? You can ask for some versed to be given in advance. If it will be done at a children's hospital you can ask for child.life specialist as well.

She is 18.  The diazepam was supposed to relax her, but it didn't work at all.

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They gave my DD some kind of happy pill before her surgeries that made her really relaxed and happy. They didn't insert the IV until she was asleep for at least one of the surgeries. Could you ask them to not stick her while she's awake?

 We asked, but they said the IV has to be in first, then they are doing a block on her arm.

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You may be able to get something to numb her. My friend used to get it for her kids before they received shots. 


DD has also had chloral hydrate before some procedures. She used to be a terrible patient and unfortunately needed a lot of stuff done. The chloral hydrate turned her from a literally nonstop kicking and screaming banshee to someone who sat still and let the people do their work when she had to be awake. She was only 3, but I'd get it again if I needed it. I don't know what the happy pill was but I don't think it was diazepan.


Your issue is probably her age. You might have better luck getting accommodations with a doctor's note.  Also, you might want to ask for her to be sedated upon waking up if she's really bad. DD wakes up badly every time if we don't and she'll rip her IVs out, kick and scream, bang a casted limb repeatedly, and generally show no reaction to pain. She is not unaware of what she's doing like we used to think because she recalls doing it- it's just something about the anesthesia reduces her self control and reasoning abilities and she remembers being super angry about having anything attached to her. 

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Ask for the IV site to be numbed. She needs to ask in advance - it requires a physicians order. Prior to any sedation, make sure she has signed releases with all providers so that the doctors and staff can speak freely with you. This includes the hospital, the anesthesiologist, the surgeon, primary care and radiologist.


ETA: Anesthesiology Has my son asleep prior to inserting his IV for one of his procedures. The procedure itself required him to be asleep, though. They were pediatric specialists. He was 16 at the time.

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My DD has a severe needle phobia also and had to have a thyroid biopsy last summer.  She ended up with EMLA cream and 4 mg of Valium.  She took 2 mg and that wasn't enough so we gave her another one.  She was so relaxed during the procedure, the doctor thought she had fainted and was sending the nurses for smelling salts :lol:


ETA: If you plan on using EMLA, make sure to do a test patch or have some Benadryl on hand. It turns out that my DD is allergic to it and was broke out in a horrible rash 2 hours after it was applied.


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