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I lost my voice from vomiting - ever done this?


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I didn't even know that it was possible. I vomited up dinner (pregnancy related) and subsequently lost my voice. I think that it sounds so funny when I try to squeak something out but it's also totally annoying. Ever try whispering commands to a 2yo? Haha! That sure doesn't get you far. Hopefully this doesn't last long. Got any funny voice losing stories?

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I lost my voice after my first two days of working in a one-year old room at a childcare. I wasn't even yelling. I'm very gentle with children. So I spent the next couple of days whispering to them. Good thing I already knew to get down on their level to talk to them because that was the only way they could hear me.

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I have a few chronic health conditions and when they flare up, like now, I lose my voice all the time. Makes homeschooling super fun! Ugh so annoying. I keep a bag of Hall's cough drops at my desk, which helps some. My girls think is funny :p

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If you vomited that much or that long, you should probably be in an E.R. Especially since you are pregnant. One can get Dehydrated very quickly. Potassium level drops dangerously low, and good bye, forever.

I had hyperemesis gravidarum when pregnant. By the time my Dr finally ordered the Reglan pump I was vomiting 20+ times a day and losing weight..and my voice. He wasn't overly concerned at first, and would just recommend that I go to the urgent care for fluids very few days when it was obvious any oral meds weren't working. Definitely make sure you aren't dehydrated and the vomiting isn't outside the pregnancy rhelm of "normal".

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Definitely that's happened to me a couple times in my life, though not in awhile.  Hope you feel better soon!!


I tend to lose my voice maybe once every other year with a bad cold.  To the point where I can't say anything at all, not even a sound.  Once I had to make a doctor appointment for myself because I suspected I was coming down with pneumonia.  I couldn't even call the doctor to make an appointment for myself, so I had my maybe 7-year-old dd make it for me.  I wrote down the script for her to read, and she did a nice calling them and making the appointment for me.  :)


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