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Cast iron pan experts...what did I do to my pan?

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I starting using cast iron about 2 years ago. I bought the pre-seasoned pans...but, over time...they have lost that black coloring. They need to be reseasoned. So, since it's a nice, cool day today in Florida...I decided to get to work on reseasoning my pans.


Well, I did the first one this morning...didn't realize there would be SO much smoking in the oven...gag, cough...and, now my pan is sticky. What did I do wrong? I put a light coating of Crisco on the inside and outside...turned the pan and lid face down in the oven...put tin foil on the bottom rack to catch the dripping oil...left it in for about an hour in a 350 oven...turned off the oven and left the pan and lid in there for another hour to cool...and, now it's sticky to the touch.




Any help on how to fix this? Please?!




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I had sticky pan issues about 3 years ago. I found a grapeseed oil that is cleaner and makes a smoother finish when it is done. When reseasoning, the smoking issue is normal and can be a real mess. I have found it better to season regularily each time and add a new coat over the previous one and not let it get too worn off. I make sure not to scrubb too hard or use soap...just really hot water. If I do that, it does not ever get to the point of needing to be completely reseasoned...which is undersirable, as you have found out. I hope you get some other anwers to help you on your way. Cast iron pans are wonderful alternative to non-stick.


Oh, to answer your question, reseason it with another oil, perhaps turn the oven up higher and leave it in longer. Messy but worth it. Be careful not to put to much on as that will make a mess in your oven and will smoke regardless of how you do it.

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Holly, it's just what happens when you season a pan like that. I just did it with a dutch oven and had the same experience- yuck. To remedy this, just use the pan. A lot. The black color will come back eventually. I have even been known to use steel wool to get junk off my pan; the sticky stuff eventually burns off.



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I just season my pans on the cooktop - I rub oil into it with a paper towel and then put it on high for a while. Don't do the outside.


I know that isn't exactly the method usually suggested, but I almost never have to do it (usually just if I had to go at it with steel wool), and it's less and less often as the pans get older. They are wonderfully non-stick.

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I wash my cast iron pans then dry them on a hot burner. After they cool off some, I use a paper towel to coat the inside with a very light layer of crisco. This method works great. Seasoning the pans in the oven didn't work well at all for me - everything I cooked stuck to the pans.

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Thanks, everyone!


I e-mailed Lodge...and, they said to put it back in the oven at 400* for another hour. I was told I probably put too much Crisco on the pan. I thought I had put a light coating...but, I'll put on less for the rest of the pans.





Bwaaah. Now you have to smoke up the oven again. Hope this does the trick!



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Dana...actually, nothing smoked this time because I took out the foil that had drippings and replaced it with new foil. The pans had very little oil left on them and I surely didn't add more!


Can you believe it worked? The pans are still hot, so it's hard to tell if ALL the stickiness is gone...but, I did feel the lid lightly with my finger and it is MUCH better than it was!




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