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I need a check the box curriculum for 14 yr old son

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He was such a joy to homeschool through elementary....curious, fun, eager.  Not anymore.  The last two years have been horrible. He did one co-op physical science class and finished pre algebra TT....that's it for eight grade. It's fight, fight, fight.


He poo-poos everything academic.  No interest.  Private school is way too expensive and public school is drug infested and was taken over by the state board of education.  Not an option.


I need to step back and let him own his education.  I've babied him. Let him get away with this ridiculous attitude.


I need something that is laid out for both of us.  Something that I'm not planning or forcing him to do. A get it done curriculum.


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I have a 14 year old son who will be a Freshman in the fall. I have found a combination of some online classes and home stuff is a good balance. Stuff I really don't want to deal with - for attitude or because it's not my cuppa - I outsource. Hills I am willing to die on - I teach next to him every single day. It's so expected there is no debate. Then the middle stuff I pick curriculum that might not be the BEST, it gets it done and I'm comfortable with it. I have to check it, I have to cajole or we'll run off the rials, but it gets done. For us, next fall will look like:


English - online (I'm going to use So Verbose)

Spanish - online (no idea where, but somewhere...or German with OSU)

Algebra 2 - Saxon at home with Art Reed dvds and ME

Chemistry - Apologia at home with lab taught by a local instructor

History - Notgrass (MFW) with me

Bible - at home but no idea with what yet

Elective - Python programming - online with Coursera



If that's too much fiddling, I would go with MFW high school. It seems like a great balance between getting it done, but having room to breathe. It's not the rigor you'll find talked a lot about around here, but I think it's doable day in and day out. 

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What does he do when he's not doing school?  What's he interested in?  Anything at all?


I like TeachingTextbooks for independence.


How about a BJU DE science class?  The videos are usually so interesting that my kids pick up a ton, even if they don't do the work for each lesson.


Timeberdoodle Kit?  http://www.timberdoodle.com/

Creek Edge Task Cards? http://www.creekedgepress.com/

A year to study your state's history? https://simplycharlottemason.com/scmforum/topic/texas-state-history/ or this for ideas:


Work through Khan Academy subjects with an account to keep track of progress, any subject he wants?

I also like the MFW idea.


I'm really sorry for the situation. Are there scholarships for the private school?  Our local public school is similar.  It would be great to have the option, wouldn't it? :grouphug:

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My rising senior was like that as a middle schooler. He has been a late bloomer so don't give up hope!


For this child we needed to outsource. He would do the work for an online class or co-op class without a fight. It was not always his best effort (in my opinion) but it kept him on track. He was able to transition into dual enrollment and use that to finish up most of 11th and 12th grade. For this particular kid, true homeschooling wasn't going to work. The self discipline and motivation to do it himself was not there but he did not want to fail in a group setting.


A few "check the box" things we did at home that I can think of were MUS Geometry and an adapted version of the Kolbe syllabus for Miller-Levine Biology. For that I had him just read the chapters, write the definitions, answer the study guide questions and take the tests for just the first 18 chapters. We used Lifepacs for health and I might have used those for other non critical subjects if I needed to.


I was frequently frustrated by this kid but I am glad I stayed the course and tended the relationship in the meantime. Brick and mortar school would not have been a fit for him either. Dragging him through those tough years until he was old enough for de was key for us. He has a 4.0 in the de classes he has taken at the local Christian U and he is excited about going to college in a year. He says now he was just really immature. Hang in there. Boys change so much during that time!

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Do you have any direction in what type of materials you want to use or what style of homeschool you still desire? There are a lot of boxed curriculums. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Since he is using Apologia science and Cornerstone, I assume Christian is acceptable if not preferred. I'd suggest looking into the following:


My Father's World - literature based. They provide history and English and suggest Apologia and TT for science and math. They provide a checkbox schedule for everything. 


BJU/Abeka - textbook based. Both have video and online options. These are much more traditional school-like but Christian. They offer all the main subjects plus some electives.


Online academies can be a good option if your state offers free access. These are going to be geared toward national standards and use the same textbooks that public schools would use. If you find ps objectionable, you may find these objectionable too. 


Picking by subject is what most of us do here, but I don't know if it is what you want. You can choose an online course or two, maybe in subjects that he is interested or strong in, plus a couple of nice box checking programs for subjects that just need to happen. For more suggestions along this line, begin by reading the pinned subject threads, then start new threads for each subject that you need help choosing. 


There are many, many homeschool curriculums to choose from these days and many of them (although not all) are completely planned for you. It really depends on what you are looking for. Give us more information if you need more help choosing.



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