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If you get facials


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How much do you tip?


And, do facials really help the skin look better overall?


Women around me get facials and have wonderful skin, but I don't know if they've always had great skin. There's something very wrong when one is mid-40s with teenage skin problems. Very wrong.


I go my first facial today, paid $65 for an acne facial treatment, and tipped $5. I look the same. ☺ï¸

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I had great skin, and facials helped the little problems I had.  I didn't see the results for a few days afterwards though.  


Unfortunately, whatever skin issues I had were external environmental factors.  Now they are internal health issues.  A dermatologist told me that when facials don't help, it's an internal issue that needs to be addressed.  Hormones, food reactions (not all allergies show in blood or skin tests), chemical sensitivities, and other issues can develop without warning.  


ETA: Your gratuity was fine. 

Edited by Elizabeth 2
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I tip at least 20%, as with any salon service.


Yes, facials can definitely help- if it's a good aesthetician. (I've gone to mine for over 20 years, although I still enjoy trying out other spas when traveling.) You usually get what you pay for though. I'm sure it's area dependent on cost. You can't get anything where I live for under $85. They can go from there up into the hundreds of dollars.


If you are planning on doing this regularly don't be scared to shop around and try different salons. Different product lines have different qualities, and some work better with your skin than others. There is a level of trial and error to it. Once you find who you like, stick with her and tip well.


One caution- do not purchase products until you see what your face looks like a few days after. I've made the mistake of loading up on hundreds of dollars of product only to have it break my face out horrendously after three or four days. They'll give you the product recommendations and you can always go back and purchase later.

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I have great skin (Won the genetic lottery), My mother and I go for mother/daughter facials for her birthday.  I don't notice and major differences but it is nice to be pampered for a little while.

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My Esthetician always does a mild peel on me when I get my facials done.  You really can't tell anything until a few days after the facial.  Often, my face will break out the next day with everything that got brought to the surface.  I'm actually headed for one next week and I can't wait!


ETA: I just went back and read your post again....you definitely have to give it several days after an acne facial to see the results! My teenager gets them and her face has gotten so much better!  You may have additional blackheads erupt, etc for a couple of days.

Edited by TeenagerMom
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I get facials, but I have good genes too. 


Regarding tipping, it depends on whether or not the esthetician owns her own salon.  I generally don't tip owners, but for a regular facial, usually about $10 tip.

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I once got a facial. It was a treat from a friend for some favors. She gets them all the time and has some sort of credit thing at the spa.


A couple of people who I know who get them basically said a facial doesn't do much. But regular facials does something. But I don't know how true that is.

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I agree with those who said a facial won't improve acne on the same day. It will likely get a little worse before it gets better.


For skin care info, you might try searching "acne over 40" on Pinterest and Youtube.



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Actually I was half joking about a full on transformation. It's not so much acne, but clogged pores that are deep down and that really can't be removed until they reach closer to the surface. It could actually be years. I really thought hitting the 40s would be great. I can deal with wrinkles. So if I keep waiting for them to surface I could be a senior citizen with pimples. How lovely.

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Actually I was half joking about a full on transformation. It's not so much acne, but clogged pores that are deep down and that really can't be removed until they reach closer to the surface. It could actually be years. I really thought hitting the 40s would be great. I can deal with wrinkles. So if I keep waiting for them to surface I could be a senior citizen with pimples. How lovely.


What kind of exfoliant products are you using on a daily basis? 


I do think that facials if done regularly can help your issues (Again with correct products). But most people don't get them done regularly- every 3-4 weeks. They'll go 6 weeks or more, and honestly unless you're doing peels, most facial products aren't going to help that infrequently. I would try more exfoliant products of the right kind (not scrubs or brushes that can make it worse). Then if you get a facial every 4-6 weeks, they can unclog the deeper pores. 


I would try something like this as a cleanser:



And something like this (or a 10% if the 15% is too strong)  as a follow up: 



Those products have to ordered by a salon, but you can look at the ingredients and find something similar. These are great products though if you can get them- I had horrible melasma after back to back pregnancies and that lotion got rid of the hyper-pigmentaiton and has kept my skin crystal clear. You can use it up to twice a day. It has also helped keep my teens hormonal acne at bay. I don't think it would be effective for cystic acne, but that doesn't sound like your problem. You might still follow up with a light moisturizer. It's tricky dealing with combination skin over 30, but this is what's worked for me. 

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What kind of exfoliant products are you using on a daily basis?


I do think that facials if done regularly can help your issues (Again with correct products). But most people don't get them done regularly- every 3-4 weeks. They'll go 6 weeks or more, and honestly unless you're doing peels, most facial products aren't going to help that infrequently. I would try more exfoliant products of the right kind (not scrubs or brushes that can make it worse). Then if you get a facial every 4-6 weeks, they can unclog the deeper pores.


I would try something like this as a cleanser:



And something like this (or a 10% if the 15% is too strong) as a follow up:



Those products have to ordered by a salon, but you can look at the ingredients and find something similar. These are great products though if you can get them- I had horrible melasma after back to back pregnancies and that lotion got rid of the hyper-pigmentaiton and has kept my skin crystal clear. You can use it up to twice a day. It has also helped keep my teens hormonal acne at bay. I don't think it would be effective for cystic acne, but that doesn't sound like your problem. You might still follow up with a light moisturizer. It's tricky dealing with combination skin over 30, but this is what's worked for me.

Thanks so much for the links!


I use this product, http://shoprescuespa.com/biologique-recherche-p50.html


It's supposed to be great, like HG great, and I think it helps to a certain extent. I could be in a worse position, perhaps.

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Thanks so much for the links!


I use this product, http://shoprescuespa.com/biologique-recherche-p50.html


It's supposed to be great, like HG great, and I think it helps to a certain extent. I could be in a worse position, perhaps.

You might just need something stronger. At one point in my 30's I had to step up to the 20% for a few months due to wacky hormones. My aesthetician uses a 40% on me periodically for facials and that's on 40 year old skin.


If that line you linked has a bump up on the percentages (I couldn't see them on the mobile link) you might try it if it's helping. Give it at least two weeks, because you'll flake and/or peel as your skin adjusts. But it shouldn't cause any horrid break outs. Might bring things up to a head, and might tingle as your skin adjusts, but shouldn't be severe. Good luck! I know it's frustrating. I've used everything from Murad, to Soothy's and others before landing on the ACuteDerm.

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My acne is hormonal and I'm old :banghead:


I was all set to get some professional help at a medi spa (thinking facials and peels) and watched a bunch of beauty gurus of the over 50 crowd on youtube. It seems the most effective thing for acne and wrinkles is Retin-A. I'm on the lowest dose right now and will work my way up. I see an improvement in the texture of my skin after a week and a half. It helps the skin cells turn over faster.

I'm going to add it back to my regime. I always forget the tube of retin a which is also very low dose.

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