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Interview and a question


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I have an interview tomorrow afternoon.  It is for a job that is right up my alley and that I would enjoy. 


However, I have found out something about the job that I am not thrilled about.  It goes from 8-5pm.  I currently work from 7-2:30.   


A person who works in the office told me to ask if they would let me work from 7:30-4:30 as some have done that.  


But what do I say if they state in the interview, "The job is from 8-5, are you ok with those hours?"


Do I say ok in the interview and ask if it is ok to change AFTER I get hired and after I agreed to it, or do I state in the interview that I would prefer 7:30-4:30 but would consider the job either way?


Man I hate interviews.





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Yes, I agree with kewb. Bring it up during the interview and ask if they have "Flex Time" and explain that if possible, you would prefer to work from 730 to 430. See how they react...  I did that on at least one contract assignment in the Dallas area, so that I could avoid Rush Hour Traffic.Possibly on another assignment there too. After you begin working there, you have no room to negotiate. Negotiate hours, pay, benefits, etc., before you start working there. Best to have it in writing...

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Yes, I agree with kewb. Bring it up during the interview and ask if they have "Flex Time" and explain that if possible, you would prefer to work from 730 to 430. See how they react...  I did that on at least one contract assignment in the Dallas area, so that I could avoid Rush Hour Traffic.Possibly on another assignment there too. After you begin working there, you have no room to negotiate. Negotiate hours, pay, benefits, etc., before you start working there. Best to have it in writing...


hahahahaha!  No negotiating salary, benefits, or get it in writing.  This is a school district job.  You get what you get.   It is all set by the state.  The only negotiating might be the hours.  It is not at a school site but at the district office, so there might be some wiggle room there.  


And the job can change at any time.  I wish I were kidding.  Teachers get moved around according to numbers all the time.  It can be a contract you signed and it doesn't matter.


I was told in October that my assignment would change.  It didn't, but I was warned.  And it was in writing that I had the assignment for the year.  Writing means NOTHING.

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I hope you get it, since it's something you want to do.


Rock the interview. Ask about shifting the hours slightly, if that works best for you, if you feel good about how it's going.


Would the hours be a deal breaker? If so, definitely bring them up.


Good luck!

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I hope you get it, since it's something you want to do.


Rock the interview. Ask about shifting the hours slightly, if that works best for you, if you feel good about how it's going.


Would the hours be a deal breaker? If so, definitely bring them up.


Good luck!





No, not a deal breaker.  I just hate getting off at 5pm in the downtown area with traffic.  I would still do the job.  If it became a huge issue I would just do it for one year and look for something else later.  


Starting at 8 would actually be nice.  I currently start at 6:45 and have to leave by 6am.  This new job would be a bit closer and I could probably leave around 7:20, which would allow me to get to bed later, which I prefer, and get up later, which I also prefer.

I just don't prefer getting off 2.5 hours later than I do now.

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No, not a deal breaker.  I just hate getting off at 5pm in the downtown area with traffic.  I would still do the job.  If it became a huge issue I would just do it for one year and look for something else later.  


I wouldn't bring it up in an interview, if it isn't a deal breaker, but a "nice to have".  If they offer you the job, that's when you have the most (if any) leverage (before you accept the offer), and that's when I'd bring it up.  Good luck!

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I wouldn't bring it up in an interview, if it isn't a deal breaker, but a "nice to have".  If they offer you the job, that's when you have the most (if any) leverage (before you accept the offer), and that's when I'd bring it up.  Good luck!


No, I hadn't planned on bringing it up.  But I am really thinking THEY will and they will say, "Now, the job is from 8-5, are you fine with that?"

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