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looking for math book recommendations for me

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I don't know what I was expecting in Calculus, but it feels like starting over again.  Like I have to wait to get to something more interesting.  I don't mind the procedural stuff...kind of puzzly and I like procedural, but I always want to know why....how...  Ya know...deeper than that.  Stuff they have no time to talk about in class.



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Old classic -- https://www.amazon.com/Calculus-Intuitive-Physical-Approach-Mathematics/dp/0486404536/ref=pd_sbs_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0486404536&pd_rd_r=FK0KPGG5H6MCRGBGTKCE&pd_rd_w=m1RRr&pd_rd_wg=1bmt5&psc=1&refRID=FK0KPGG5H6MCRGBGTKCE -- very good for explaining why we CARE and how to apply it. Kline was an excellent expositor.


Historical approach -- https://www.amazon.com/Calculus-Liberal-Undergraduate-Texts-Mathematics/dp/0387983791 -- explaining again why we care but also how things were developed. 


You could also go with something completely off the beaten path like a math for liberal arts text. Jacobs is a classic but there are a lot of good ones. 

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