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The Humming Bird Teachers Lounge 4-13-2017


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 Couldn't think of what theme to pick today until I looked outside. We have a hummingbird feeder viewable from our patio. As for today's font and size, you can thank my son.  :D


Who, like me, is still not fully awake? :closedeyes:

Here: answered in question.


Anyone here ever been a travel agent? Here: no. And obviously this would have been more prominent BEFORE the age of the internet, although I'm sure there are still some around.


For my gluten-free foodies, where do you go to get a decent pastry/bagel/etc? Here: I like Elevate Coffee here but the gf bagels are around $4.00! There is another little (emphasis on little) cafe not too far away that has gf donuts for aaround $2.00 but there's little to no ambience there.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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No hummers seen here yet this spring, though the Nature Center has some that actually winter here in TN. 


It is almost 1:00 here and I've been up since 5:30 and had two cups of coffee, so I'm awake. 

Definitely not a travel agent. I expect the internet has created a different need for them. The options are overwhelming, the information practically endless, so an agent can sort, sift and save you tons of stress and time by presenting choices which meet your requirements. 


We are not gf, but my lunch items today are: ham and cheese, and fresh fruit. dd ate the last kiwi, but we have canteloupe, fuji apples and red grapes.


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We have some hummers year around.  I have been bad about keeping our feeder stocked though. 


Never been a travel agent.  I hate booking travel though so I don't think that you could pay me to do that!  ;)


I just get gf stuff from our grocery store.  I'm not too fond of Udi's.  I do like some of the B Free breads.  I've never had a gf donut. 

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Not fully awake: I've been up, to the neurosurgeon, took taekwondo, and I'm not fully awake.  I think that's a going back to being tired thing, though.


Travel Agent: Nope


GF Goodies: Pretty much, we just don't.


My daughter saw the cervical spine specialist today and he said he does not think she needs surgery (yay!).  He's sending her to physical therapy for 4-6 weeks 2-3 times a week.  So it'll be intense.  He wants them to work on strengthening her neck.  The bulging discs and everything are a result of the Ehlers-Danlos so surgery is unlikely to really help.  He also wants her to go to the orthopedic people and possibly an ENT since they think her migraines might actually be a result of her ear drum bursting when she was 10.

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I love all your titles, Scrapbook!


Never been a travel agent.  A friend of mine was one in college.


The only gluten free bagels I've had are the Canyon Bakehouse Everything Bagel sold at Target.  They are good.  There is a great bakery downtown that sells a few gluten free items like brownies and macarons.

Edited by HeWillSoar
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Thanks, HeWillSoar! I find I have more fun with theming the daily Teachers Lounge

AND it tends to bring more people in.


My challenge with having to be gluten-free is also having to be corn-free. About 50% of the gluten

replacement is corn-based, or at least seems to be. And even if it's tapioca based, it may still contain

baking powder (which contains cornstarch), or straight cornstarch. Canned food is problematic, too, with

all it's maltodextrin, dextrose, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and modified food starch. It's everywhere!


Now off to take kids to TKD. See you all tomorrow!

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i did see a hummingbird in my neighbor's garden. we have an aggressive one who whizzes through our car port and scares the crap out of me on a regular basis. i'm getting ready to plant a garden this weekend. maybe i should include something for the teeny birds. 


i've never been a travel agent, but know a few. they are mostly disney agents, putting together disney vacations, or other specialty travel. 


i have found trader joes gf to be yummy. 


i'm in the midst of painting my kitchen. i have the ladder propped up against the wall to the laundry room in the carport. a mourning dove nested in the top of the ladder, and laid two eggs, while my kids were playing outside. i wish they had told me sooner, but she had already finished, and now we are trying to avoid bumping the ladder and up setting the nest. it's not going well. luckily, i don't need the ladder to finish the kitchen. 

we named her paloma, he partner is triste, and the babies will be uno and dos.


today is the town easter egg hunt. it should be quite an affair with food, bounce houses, games, and fun. my kids are super exciting.

Edited by Desert Strawberry
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I got a jolt at 5 am. My mother called crying so hard she could barely speak. Finally got a nurse on the line oysters to find out that father figure had been turned to cardiac ICU and was probably going to die imminently. At that point I was quite awake. Ran over to my brother's house to wake him up and drive us to the hospital - 85 miles away. And though this sounds heartless and cruel, he pulled through and in the grand scheme of things that is VERY bad.


I have never been a travel agent. But I kind of serve that way to my extended family because I am good at finding reconfigure at decent prices so it is not uncommon for relatives to ask me to an their vacation transports, sometimes hotels too. It is a free service....hmm....maybe I should rethink that!! LOL. :D


Lovely, I have never found a decent GF pastry of any kind.

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I got a jolt at 5 am. My mother called crying so hard she could barely speak. Finally got a nurse on the line oysters to find out that father figure had been turned to cardiac ICU and was probably going to die imminently. At that point I was quite awake. Ran over to my brother's house to wake him up and drive us to the hospital - 85 miles away. And though this sounds heartless and cruel, he pulled through and in the grand scheme of things that is VERY bad.


i am so sorry. i understand. sometimes, survival is not the best outcome.  :grouphug:

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