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Today's Tardy Teachers Lounge 3-21-2017


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Well, I said "tardy" because I'm late getting the Lounge open but I realize it could also reference tardy teachers. Which one are you today?


DD18 had horsemanship lessons this morning and I took ds12 with me. The property owner's sons are on spring break this week and they are close in age to my own son. Glad I took him as they all got along wonderfully! In fact, right before we left, their mom said to me, "So I see your son will be coming over this summer." Basically an open invitation! Yay! SO glad for my gregarious 12yo to make more friends - and that they live somewhere that there is OUTDOOR activity as well!


What did you do this morning? Here: see above.


Anyone else's kiddos prom age? Here: my daughter is a senior-ish but this is her last year to be able

to attend prom. We hit one shop on Saturday and three yesterday. Yesterday we had success! AND, because (enter commercial tone) we went shopping at Ross, the dress was only $21.00 and some change! Sweet! Plus, while it is formal enough for prom, it's also wearable for other special occasions, unlike what my prom dress looked like 30 years ago!


Who lives on a ranch - or would like to live on one? Here: I am in the latter group.


Talk to me! :bigear:



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We've had a nonstop day.

School drop-off for middle, then pick-up an hour later to drive to OT (silly absence/tardy rules), then OT (hippotherapy!!), then return middle son to school, then lunch with friends, then drop-off for oldest's art class, then run home to let a neighbor'a dog out, then pick up after oldest's art class, then driving to pick up middle from school, then a trip to the grocery store. I'm tired. The preschooler is even more so. :-) A bit of carschooling happened in all that driving around, but not as much as I'd like.

We'd love to live on a ranch. We are such outdoor people, and my kids do have elaborate plans for someday purchasing a horse. :-)

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Good afternoon!


This morning, I saw my dad and older sister off. They came Sunday night, and we visited Callaway Gardens yesterday. The azaleas didn't survive a recent frost, but they had never been down there to see the butterfly house, birds of prey show, and so much more. I also started ds' school before leaving to go to a lunch meeting with two other homeschool moms and a dual-enrollment admissions guy from a Christian college offering classes online.


Ds will only be in 9th grade next year, but our homeschool support group is probably going to be offering an etiquette/cotillion type class next year with a formal dinner and dance afterwards. It's the closest he'll get to a prom unless invited in the future by a public school student. 


Don't live on a ranch, and I don't want to live on one. I wouldn't mind a few acres of land, but not that much. 


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This morning, I did my usual mix of housework, animal chores, and overseeing schoolwork. Then I had to run to town to take my dog to the vet. He has been limping and the vet suspected Lyme disease, but his test was negative. Now he has to go back in the morning for x-rays.  :(


My kids are all teenagers, but none of them have been to prom. Homeschoolers are very few and far between here, so we don't have any homeschool groups or proms or anything like that. 


I guess you could call our place a ranch. We live on 50 acres and have another couple hundred acres a few miles away. I grew up in the country and get claustrophobic living in town, so I told dh when we got married that I need lots of room! We don't farm, though - we only have horses, dogs, and cats.

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This morning: We did school and Fritz and I went to taekwondo.  This afternoon Ani saw a neurosurgeon.  He's sending her to his partner who specializes specifically in cervical spine issues.  She's probably going to need surgery so it's best to go to the expert.  She sees him April 13th.  In the meantime the Lyrica is helping her non-neck and non-Ehlers-Danlos pain quite a bit so it's not so stressful that she has to wait another 3 weeks for another appointment.


Prom Age: Ani is, but she's just too sick and too in pain to even think about something like that.


Ranch: Honestly, I'm a city girl.  So no.

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What did you do this morning? Waited for other things to be finished before we shopped for prom shoes. See my answer to next question.


Anyone else's kiddos prom age? Yes. Willing, but not overly enthused, no date, but going with a bunch of other kids with and without dates. Her first and last prom as well. She's very petite and fortunately, a friend has a collection of prom gowns and one fit well enough (small enough) for another friend to tailor it. 



Who lives on a ranch - or would like to live on one? I want to live on a ranch, or a few acres, again. Alas, dh doesn't think he needs to be doing that kind of work. The babies are all leaving the nest and even if they stayed a while yet would be busy with their own jobs and college. I want sheeples, a horse, a goat and some chickens, another dog and another cat. What I really want is more temperate climate to grow tomatoes and zucchini all summer. lol


My best news of all...I was hired. There was no doubt in their minds that I should be part of the team and would fit in well.  :hurray: 


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