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The Teachers Lounge 3-9-2017


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Happy Thursday!


Guess what?? It's only TWO days until my birthday! THIS year I've continuously reminded my family it was coming since last year they did absolutely nothing about it. Even my dh waited until the night before and all he said was, "So you want to go out for dinner somewhere tomorrow?" That was it. And we did go out to dinner (which is not a huge deal around here) and that was it. No "Happy Birthday", no cards, no gifts. As someone who enjoys celebrating her birthday, and whose love language is giving,that just didn't fly! So today I noticed a wrapped present stuck in the cat carrier which is on top of the dog's kennel/crate. My immediate thought was, "did we forget a Christmas gift?" because it's wrapped in the green, red, and white striped paper. As I pulled it out to see whose name was on it, I see writing that says, "Open 3-11-17." I think he got the message!  :D


Anyone else have a birthday this month? Here: see above.


Who else enjoys celebrating your birthday? 


Who will bring treats into the Lounge tomorrow? Here: I may make some gf choc chip cookies. Or maybe gf apple cinnamon ones. Or maybe pancakes!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My oldest has a birthday this month.  He's getting so big!  Last night they did their senior prank (papering the school gym) and it was one of those times where dad and I disagreed completely.  His thought was that it's silly, foolish, and borderline illegal, mine was that it was harmless, sorta funny, and if the school takes issue (they all signed their names to it), the thought that the principal had to be tasered and arrested, the math teacher's son just OD'd and landed himself in the hospital...... and THIS is their worry would have me having our kid's back through it.

Treats...I'd love to say I'd bring some but today and tomorrow are standardized testing in our home and I'm not sure I'll be on.  My little spinner-child may give me extra breaks, though.  It also being the end of the year I'm working on our yearly video much to the annoyance of the 7yo, who gave me his headphones to wear while I edit. :lol:

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My ds12 was stoked just now when I said he could take me to a restaurant as his bday gift to me.

I had a gc for him for his bday but forgot so I gave it to him for Christmas. It's to an Italian eatery,

which with my gluten and corn issues is difficult for me to eat. But I looked at the menu this morning.

There is ONE thing I think I can eat. So he's happy about that! We may go there for lunch as tomorrow

he's busy and Saturday I'm busy.

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Happy early birthday, Scrap! I hope you have a nice day.

My birthday is later this month. 


Last year was 50 and I don't expect anything exciting this year, especially since we have had $$ in unexpected expenses in the last few weeks. It's ok. Cars that run and new glasses are good to have!


Last year my mom kept the kids overnight and gave us dinner out and tickets to Phantom. Then, Dh arranged a lovely dinner with another couple who are close friends and we sat on their porch for hours just talking. So nice. 


Dh is not usually much on planning nor on thoughtful gifts. He has many fine qualities, but that is a weak spot. His love language is service. I will get cards and maybe something from dd, who saves her $ and likes to buy gifts. My mom is taking us out to eat at PF Chang's.  :thumbup1:

Edited by ScoutTN
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Happy birthday!! 


I turned 50 last month. Dd's birthday is this month. I'll see if you all can guess the date because there is a huge clue "hanging around". 


I spent half of my birthday celebrating and half driving to TN because of my nephew, so I can't say I enjoyed it much this year. I was really thankful he didn't pass away on my birthday. I wish mine didn't fall so close to Valentine's, but dh's is right before Christmas. We get hit hard both ways. 


Treats: Does the baked oatmeal (Mrs. Mungo's recipe) that's in the oven right now count? It's really delicious! 




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Whatever treats y'all can bring work! We'll just have a festive atmosphere!


DS wants to take me to lunch on Sunday, so that's when we'll go.


Today, once again, I'm battling my brain to try to get it to kick into gear. It wants to mope and I don't need that!

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