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Night Elf

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My dd is at college and makes the silliest mistakes at different things. She also procrastinates and then feels bad when she has to work extra to get an assignment in, although she's getting better at that. But this morning, takes the cake! She slept through her alarm and missed her advising appointment. They don't allow make-up appointments. She has to wait for the walk-in appointments for no shows. Those are only two days during registration, and only from 7:00am to 8:00am. At this college, you cannot register without being advised. I don't know when she's supposed to register if she can't get advised on one of those two days. I told her she should get there at 6:30am or even earlier and maybe she'll be one of the first ones at the doors. I'm so upset about this! I can't tell her how disappointed I am because she's kicking herself. I just can't believe this is happening. If they make her wait until late registration in the summer she's going to have a terrible schedule for Fall. Boy she really dropped the ball on this one.

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I had a coworker with several very successful adult children and I was commenting about how proud of them he must be. He said something unexpected. "The thing with teenagers is that you have to let them make and own their own mistakes." Then he looked at me with genuine pain in his eyes. Truth. It's part of the process. 

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Ack! Fingers crossed she gets in. Does she have inattentive-type ADHD? 


I wonder that myself. I have ADD so I see a lot of the same in her. She has a psychiatrist and a counselor who know as much about her as I do as far as her mental health and neither of them have said anything. She has one psychiatrist for when she's home and one at school.

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