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Talk to me about Child-directed Unit-Studies VS. TWTM approach...please

Alaska Mom

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Which is better?

1) following the studies in areas that I've laid out based on the WTM suggestions (that I'm happy with)


2) following a child-directed unit-studies approach based on her interests



I've been having conversations recently with people who tell me that following your child's interests in the early grades is really important and will create a foundation/love for learning as their interests are nurtured and explored.


I love our curriculum, but I feel I'm giving very little attention to HER interests, and she voices interests in other things often. I don't know if I should just let things like SOTW or earth science slide to the back burner so we can go off to do a unit study on space or planets or volcanos or a particular country, etc.


My fear of unit studies is that it's "random" - is this a rational fear? What are the pros/cons here?


I NEED HELP to determine which way we go. Very much appreciate anyone's perspective, experiences, suggestions - thank you!

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I think with the age that your children are it is an irrational fear. There are no "needed" subjects at age six other than phonics, handwriting, reading, and math. She will in all probability forget almost everything you cover in science and history. The only objective at 6 is to create some vague image that will jump to her mind when she is older as a distant memory of something familiar.


I would toss any science textbooks and go with interests. (we do that through 8th grade with no detriment. My oldest is a chemical engineering student taking all junior level engineering classes with a great GPA. He never opened a science textbook until high school. We did science throughout his school yrs but they were interest driven.)


For history, anything that is concrete is far more valuable than abstract ideas. I love doing familial geography at that age. Where did mommy grow up, daddy, grandparents, where do cousins live, etc......those are real ideas. Five in a Row philosophy works well.......read an interesting book and do geography studies around that book.


At 6 have fun. They grow up fast.

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We are enjoying FIAR and certain classical aspects too. My thoughts are let you child lead a little more. If you want to stay with your plan then have a more life is learning approach and when she is interested in something encourage that persuit but not to the exclusion of everything else if you don't want. Help her do an 'in her own time' project.


We learn everyday. If it is Sunday and the kids ask a question we get out the books and start finding out about it. I guess if your child went to school and came home and was interested in something would you encourage and research it with them? ofcourse, so encourage and foster her interests.

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We schedule a day now again to follow the kids interest. We also use summers and vacations for informal learning. We like to keep the kids minds going but we like to allow them freedom to follow their interests. I think afternoons are also great for that kind of learning,

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I think you have to make sure that there is a match between you, your child, and the method that you use to introduce them to our world. If doing child-led studies stresses you out then don't feel that you *have* to do them for school. You can make sure that you get out books from the library on their topic of interest and read them to her, but it doesn't *need* to go beyond that.


I agree that it's valuable to let them explore their interests, but don't feel that you need to change your whole school plan to do this. When my dd's show a particular interest in things I might let them study that instead of what I planned to do(for a day or two), but it's within my comfort zone. I also figure that with at least 5 hours to do what they want to in the afternoon an interest can be fostered during that time without disturbing my plan:)


BTW it also gets easier to support their interests when they're fluent readers.



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One thing that I love about using TWTM with my 1st grader is that it lays things out in order, but does not place strict time limits on subjects, only suggestions. So my dd is able to delve deep and learn a ton about butterflies and worms, but might end up learning more about woodlice and leeches on our next time around the animal kingdom. Right now we are so enjoying studying Egypt that we might run low on time for something else. I'm not worried, though, because I think it will definitely all even out, and I think that it helps me to have some structure to follow, and helps her to see that I'm willing to slow down when she finds something that fascinates her and isn't ready to move on.


You could always incorporate your dd's interests by making language arts units out of them -- finding books on the topics that interest her for her oral and silent reading, and using those books to generate vocabulary lists, spelling words, and writing prompts.

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Interesting discussion. We were thinking of doing a combination of parent-led and child-led as much as possible. We are using Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding for science, which stimulates thinking and uses guided inquiry and is flexible enough to support interest-driven threads.


On top of that, we'll be doing topical studies on birds, weather, trees, rocks and minerals, etc. Each time ds and dd will have at least one topic they can choose from this. As they get older their choices will broaden.


In literature, they will have a say in which books to pick from a pre-selected set of books.


Following Charlotte Mason's recommendations, we will always be ready in the morning so we will have free afternoons and evenings to pursue our own interests, which is under free reading or projects, play, etc.

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I agree with momof7.


For my almost 6 year old we are doing phonics, math and a little handwriting. We read a fair bit. Academically - that is it! We only do it for about an hour (max) a day.


The are parts of WTM I like - but I do pick and choose a bit. I use it more as a foundation than bible.


There are parts of child-led unit studies I like - but I would worry about gaps in knowledge.


I do think the 2 can be successfully married, in many ways. I least, I hope they can - because that is what I do with my older kids!;)

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I feel I'm giving very little attention to HER interests, and she voices interests in other things often.


So do my kids. I can't possibly plan a unit study about all of them. My kids do school for a few hours a day, and they are free the rest of the time to explore their interests however they see fit. I don't feel that I am stifling their love of learning. If your daughter is interested in something, it's fine to let her enjoy it on her own. Not every interest needs to be turned into something to be taught. In fact, I think that parents getting too into their kids' interests sometimes kills the interest.



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This is sort of what we do. My ds6 is really into Chemistry right now. We're still doing Earth Science this year, but I bought him RS4K Chemistry (and a bunch of other books) and he's reading it himself. School doesnt' take all day anyhow, and he has plenty of time to follow up his interests.

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