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The Teachers Lounge 2-20-2017


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Good morning, all, and welcome to the Lounge!


This will be the LAST time the Lounge will be open for February.

I will be traveling for the next week and the 28th we go to the RenFest.


Do your kids have school today or no? Here: with dh having the day off and me needing to finish up packing for my trip,

no actual academics may get done today!


Anyone have a special air travel kit you take with you when flying? Here: I don't usually but reading through my herbalist books, one made a suggestion for having one. Thought it sounded like a good idea!


When you travel, what's your preferred mode of transportation? Here: within state, by car. More than two states away, plane, definitely.


Talk to me! :bigear: 





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Good morning. Thank you for your prayers. I am still numb from last week and can't believe he is gone. I came home Saturday night after the burial that morning. I am doing laundry, paying bills and such, and doing school with ds. Thankfully my dh is off school this week for his winter break. I am going back up to my sister's tomorrow and staying for two nights. She didn't need to be alone, so we've arranged different people to stay with her until I get back. She's going to my sister's house in north Atlanta Thursday and coming to mine on Saturday. She needs time to process and heal, and I want to be available to her as much as I can. 


Yes, ds has school today. I'm trying to do stuff that he needs me here for and I want to check. I'll leave a list of more independent stuff to be done until I get back. 


I don't have a kit for flying because I don't ever fly. I have flown only a couple of times years ago. I had to take motion sickness medicine, but the first plane I flew in was a 50 seater. I took it when I got in a big plane just in case. 


We prefer car travel simply because of the cost of flying with four in our family. We've driven as many as 5 states away by car as a family. We drove to my dh's home in southern Ohio and drove on to Chicago this past summer. Having places to stay along the way (even hotel) and time to travel helps. Dh is a school teacher, so he has the summers off. 


Our kids have always traveled well in the car because they have since birth. When our dd was born, we lived a 12 hour drive from my in-laws, 3 states away. 





Edited by mom31257
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Yes, regular school day here. SLOOOOOOOW day with Ds in math.


No special kit for traveling. I always take the basics: snacks, water, books, notebook or journal, personal care items, change of clothes, cell phone charger. 


I don't mind driving, but our vehicles are old with high miles, so cross-country means a plane ticket, which means we never do it. I used to love air travel, but it is not fun anymore. Trains are fun too. 


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School: Nope.  And Jamie, being a federal employee, is also off.  We're having a nice, relaxing day until the big kids have to leave in a couple hours for work.


Air Travel Kit: Never even thought about it.


Preferred Mode of Transportation: Depends on where I'm going.  Pretty much anywhere outside of Texas other than maybe Louisiana, plane or it'll be a long, long trip (though Jamie and the big kids did drive to ATA Fall Nationals in Orlando a year and a half ago - they flew to ATA Spring Nationals in Las Vegas last year, though).

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No school thank goodness because a couple of us feel like crap!


No air travel kit.


Prefer the car for travel, have a terrific fear of heights and claustrophobia that make air travel unbearable, would love to try traveling on a plane though or boat.


Amy, I'm so sorry for your loss and will continue to pray for your family.

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We did school today.  A full load, because we have a day out tomorrow and a field trip on Thursday. Both history and science were thrown in along with art.  Whew!  I'm glad it's done.


I prefer train or boat travel, to be perfectly honest.  A good public transportation system will take you just as fast as a car, if not faster.  Airports have become soul-sucking enterprises that culminate in a miserable experience.  I'd rather get on a train and relax, and if I'm going international: a ship.


No air travel kit that I carry.  It never occurred to me to make one.  Now we do have a travel kit for the 7yo: games, write in activity book, reading book, and snack box.



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