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I'm sick. Looking for online documentaries for the kids...

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I've been under the weather since Christmas and now have tonsilitis. We went really light on school work during December and really need to start back into the swing of things. Thing is, it hurts too much to talk.


My plan is to let the kids do a few Mystery Science lessons this week, along with math and reading.


I'm looking for some good documentaries that are available online for them to watch. We're studying Middle Ages this year, but anything interesting would be fine. They're 1st and 3rd grade. Any ideas?

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for that age - not documentaries, but - Magic School Bus? Liberty Kids? (those don't relate to Middle Ages but can buy you a day on the couch with hot tea)




This is how out of it I am. Now that you mentioned Magic School Bus I remember that the kids were asking the other week if we could watch some of those again. Guess this is the time to do it!

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For documentaries, I have pretty good luck just searching on YouTube.  A surprising number of people take the time to upload all kinds of movies.  We have used The History Guy's YouTube channel for documentaries, but I can't remember if he had anything for the Middle Ages.


Perhaps Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a bit...advanced...for that age!


Here is a good example of what YT has to offer with a bit of searching:

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I hope you are starting to feel better. I am also trying to get back into the swing of school with a newborn so I feel some of your pain. My husband and I were joking last night that science is currently being taught by Ms. Frizzle and Jonathan Bird. I don't know if your kids are into marine biology at all, but there are a ton of episodes of Jonathan Bird's Blue World on his YouTube channel and my kids adore them. They have learned a ton about various animals and ocean habitats and most of the episodes are pretty short so they even hold the attention span of my 3yo.



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