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Recovery Vent Thread


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Thinking about the Venting Thread made me there might be need for a more specific venting thread.


Anyone in recovery mode: from illness, an accident, surgery, etc?


Post HERE! Well, not this EXACT spot, but on this thread.


I'm annoyed because things that used to be relatively easy for me (reading, spelling, etc) currently make my brain HURT. Literally give me a 

headache after a few minutes. Now, granted, I'm not even a week out from my accident so I guess my body is more focused on healing than anything, which is a good thing. Just ANNOYING.


What are you recovering from and what's annoying you about it? THEN tell us any silver lining you've seen through it all.


Here: my kids weren't in the car with me and my car still works!


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I broke my left arm. I am left handed.


It has been so annoying not being able to try my shoes, put my hair in a ponytail, put on my bra, apply my new eyeliner, write or even sign my name. I had a small melt down at thanksgiving when I couldn't get mashed potatoes on my fork. Lol, my dh had to cut my turkey.


Silver lining is I have gotten creative and figured out how to do a few things on my own.


I feel bad about complaining about a temporary injury, but it is so frustrating wearing a sling in the winter and not fitting into any of my jackets or even long sleeved shirts.

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I had knee surgery 2.5 weeks ago. Recovery was way harder than the surgeon led me to believe! It's hard keeping up with two little kids. I go back in today to find out if/when we are doing the second surgery. I just want it all done and to be back to normal!

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txmom, I think you're in for a much longer recovery road than anticipated. Get help if you can!

I just got back from having my stitches out and get to start PT ASAP he said- he said I'm doing really, really well with my recovery and cleared the next surgery so I guess I shouldn't complain. Next surgery is scheduled for 12/15 so I better push through it and suck it up! At least this way my dh will be able to help and my Mom too over the holidays. All of the kids activities will be on break so it could be worse. But I will be happy when I back to normal and can't be outrun by two little kids! :)

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my leg.  I complained about it every time I saw my dr.  (who insisted I  was in every two to three months.  I felt like a cash cow.  I found a new dr.)   this was after an injury - for which her sports med husband was supposed to treat me.  (took him six weeks to do a MRI).


anyway - the biggest reason it wouldn't heal with my thyroid was too low.. . . . she kept telling me my treatment was fine.  (according to the conversion charts, my t4 rx was 1/4 of what I should have been on.)   as soon as I started straight NDT - it started getting better.  when I added in adrenal support - it  did even  better.

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80% back from surgeries post car crash over two years ago, and about as good as it is going to get.  Mr. Author Rightus decided to camp out in both knees since then, too.  I put an abdominal strapy thingy around my waist/hips each morning to hold in a permanent hernia that can not be repaired, and not allowed strength training or heavy lifting ever again lest I want another surgery to poke my innards back into place.  Innards also get cranky now if I eat too much dal (which I was eating daily beforehand) or huge salads.   Right lower leg aches off and on after much walking.  Ortho says although I did not break my knee (just the tib/fib right under it in several places) removing the rods/screws WOULD mess up my knee.  Oh, and the head of cardio/thoracic at local Major Medical Center said  (after three failed attempts at local hospital to remove it), that the bit of inhaled broken glass in the lower right lobe of my lung can just jolly well stay put, since the only alternative is major surgery to REMOVE the lower lobe.  So like Cracker Jack I have a "prize" inside. 


Still, I am here :-)   

Edited by JFSinIL
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