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Sarah Palin to appear live on SNL this week!

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from FoxNews:

Palin to Appear on SNL



I think a good sense of humor speaks well of one's character.


this article from the Wall Street Journal adds the show will be hosted by Josh Brolin who stars in the new Oliver Stone Movie W.


If I were her, I would not touch that show with a 10-foot pole. No way, no how. I'm perplexed that her handlers would allow such a thing. It makes me pull my foil hat more firmly down over my ears in a fit of Rovian paranoia.

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If I were her, I would not touch that show with a 10-foot pole. No way, no how. I'm perplexed that her handlers would allow such a thing. It makes me pull my foil hat more firmly down over my ears in a fit of Rovian paranoia.


They rehearse for days before the show. I imagine her people will have already put the nix on anything they felt was suspect.


I don't know if it will be good for her or not, but I'm not surprised that she's doing it. It fits perfectly with the Regular Jane persona she likes to portray.

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If I were her, I would not touch that show with a 10-foot pole. No way, no how. I'm perplexed that her handlers would allow such a thing. It makes me pull my foil hat more firmly down over my ears in a fit of Rovian paranoia.


I tend to agree.



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I have watched the SNL folks be very respectful of previous political guests of both parties. I think it's a great place for Sarah to strut her stuff.


I sure hope Lorne doesn't talk her into that. She should keep all her stuff covered.


I can't wait to watch.

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I have watched the SNL folks be very respectful of previous political guests of both parties. I think it's a great place for Sarah to strut her stuff.


It's still very strange. I have no doubt she'll be given a warm welcome by the cast and well-written material. People go to SNL to poke fun at themselves. That's usually a great thing. However, when a great deal of people already see someone as a joke AND a campaign is considered so unsteady... it's just a terrible PR move. IMO, of course.


Humor like that exchanged between Obama and McCain last night is great. I just can't imagine what benefit could come of Palin going on a show where she isn't simply poked at for being cutesy or folksy, but seriously flamed as being an idiot.


All in good fun is a nice idea, but I don't see SNL as all in good fun when it comes to her. And I say that as an Obama supporter! It's a bad move. And I will be watching.;)

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I can't wait!! But...I wish it could've been done as a surprise to Tina Fey!!!


I'll never forget the look on Will Farrell's face when he was all dressed up as Janet Reno...and the real Janet Reno came in from backstage, wearing the same dress! I thought he'd die!!


They did the same thing to Amy Pohler with Hillary Clinton.


I would've loved the opportunity for Tina Fey to be surprised by having Sarah Palin show up unannounced.

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