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Oh no! I hope this doesn't get ugly.

Night Elf

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They delivered our new washer and dryer this morning. The washer had a huge dent in the side so DH refused delivery. They did give us the dryer though. So now we have to wait for them to call us, which the guy said would happen today, to schedule a new delivery day. I hope this doesn't become a problem of getting them to deliver it. I bet they won't deliver until next Saturday. I'm at least thankful we were able to get the new dryer which is replacing the actual broken machine. Our washer still works so I can still do laundry this week.

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I got a nice discount on a washer this past year because it had a dent and the customer who originally ordered it rejected it. I hope you get a replacement quickly and that your dented washer makes someone who was looking for a deal happy!


The story of the dent was kind of funny--i bought the washer from Lowes, and they said the dent happened when a huge roll of carpeting fell on it when it was in the back of the store waiting to be loaded onto a delivery truck :D

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That reminds me of the day in February 1995, when the man came to install the Whirlpool washing machine I'd purchased in a store here. When he turned the knob with the cycles, to test the machine, the plastic knob broke.  It was a machine meant to be sold in the USA, but we are in Colombia.  I was not a "happy camper".  They wanted to send another washing machine, but I told them, "it only needs a new knob and I need that ASAP".  I forget how many days it took for them to get that part and come to install it.  Then, if my memory serves correctly, a  year or so later, the replacement plastic knob broke.  That time, I went to the place that handled the warranty and they gave me the name and address of a store that sells all kinds of parts for Washers and other machines.I went there and bought a knob made of Metal.  That knob is still on the machine, which was retired during November 2015 and is enjoying retirement in our Laundry room.  I hope you get your new, undented machine soon!  

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