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DD got her license today!


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Ahh, so sweet.   DD earned her "permit" level August 2014.   We decided to have her drive longer under our supervision before testing for the license (level 2).  Also, she had a grand mal last Nov. which delayed her driving a bit.


She'll be eligible for her level 3 "full" license May 2/3, 2017. 


DD drove to church tonight in her car ad DH and I drove behind her in mine.   :)


She drove well, but I do think she got nervous.  One of the first turns out of the neighborhood and she turn too close in front of an on-coming car.  She proceeded to the bottom of that hill and had to turn left on to on-coming traffic that is a VERY difficult turn.  She did fine with that.  The more challenging one was spot on.  Go figure!


Anyway, she's thrilled! 


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Yay!!!   :hurray:  

My 21-year-old finally got hers about a month ago!  She never really wanted it, but we all persuaded her that at the very least, it's good to have it in the event of an emergency.  And sure enough, last week she had to drive 3 people to the emergency room in the middle of the night!  (Everyone was okay, but she was the only one in good enough shape to drive.)



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Yay!!!   :hurray:  

My 21-year-old finally got hers about a month ago!  She never really wanted it, but we all persuaded her that at the very least, it's good to have it in the event of an emergency.  And sure enough, last week she had to drive 3 people to the emergency room in the middle of the night!  (Everyone was okay, but she was the only one in good enough shape to drive.)


Congrats to your dd...oh dear, glad to hear her friends are o.k.   The timing...


Our original plan was to wait until she was 19 - 20.   My cousin's dd got her license, I think, around 20 - 21.  She's 24 - 25 now.


Yay, your dd's friends had your dd for assistance!  :) 

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