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The Teachers Lounge 9-19-2016


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Happy Monday! The Lounge is OPEN! A day earlier than anticipated. B-)


Hope you all are well.


Lunch today is breakfast sandwiches from Starbucks for the kids and Freschetta's gf mini pizza for me.


Soon it will be time to head out for their theatre class. Then I'll come back home to do some grocery

shopping planning, etc. It's always so hectic when one returns from being out of town! Oi!


What's going on with YOU today?


Talk to me! :bigear:


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Monday..ugh.  This weekend was super busy and today is looking to be the same.


Lunch here came in two shifts - pb&j, apples, crackers, and a cupcake for the first, and then the growing 6yo decided he was hungry again and ate half a leftover pizza.  Growth spurt? I hope so!


We've finished school-at-home for the day, all except for our read aloud which we'll do tonight.  It'll be a late evening - the school is giving a FAFSA talk and so we'll be sitting down there tonight for a few hours.  Coming back to finish Alice will be a breath of fresh air. 

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We're getting ready to head to children's choir in just a bit. This year DD#1 has moved up to the "older" choir, and this is our first experience with one kid having the activity, then 15 minute break, then another kid has the activity. So we're still figuring out how to make Monday nights work for our family.


DS figured out how to open his bedroom door at nap time today. Saddest. Day. Ever. Actually, I can't believe he made it this long without figuring it out--he'll be 2.5 in a couple of weeks. Still, it was nice that he couldn't escape. We'll see if he learns to stay put or if we have to get a baby gate for his door.

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Back to the daily grind, isn't it?


I am now  back from dropping off kiddos. Trying a Pumpkin Apple Cider (sparkling) while I do household stuff.

It's not bad! Now to sort through the mail that didn't get picked up while I was gone, do the grocery planning stuff, 

and maybe some lesson planning. we'll see how that goes!

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Can I join you? This week DH has late meetings tonight through Wednesday and the kids have activities every night except tonight. I'm just hanging on. Thankfully DH was able to come home a bit early from his regular workday to give me a break before he has to leave again. Wednesday I'm dreading. The kids have religion class followed by choir practice and we'll be hitting the overtired baby stage just as we're getting home and still need dinner. And Baby Boy is finally cutting his first tooth at ten months. We'll get Panda Express takeout, but getting home and eating with minimum tears might be a challenge.


My "it's a good thing I love my kids because boy do they drive me crazy" moment of the day was dd vocally protesting my suggestion of an orange for a snack because she doesn't like them, then requesting I cut up two more because she actually did like them. This was after I made her ants on a log and cut up oranges for the rest of us.

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