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If you run a business and use a Mac computer...


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What do you use for bookkeeping software? We run a small business from home, would like room for expansion, including payroll. We currently use Quickbooks on a Windows PC, and that is what I would have liked to stay with, but the online reviews for QB for Mac are awful. Anyone use the two successfully? What are my other options?

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No, I don't have a Mac (yet?). I'm just thinking about it and wanting to research and find anything I need to be aware of. I am not familiar with Parallels, I will google and find out more about that.

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Have you tried running Windows on your Mac through a virtual machine system like Parallels? That way you could keep using the Windows QB you already know and like.


This is what the small-biz owners I know do, and they're very happy with the setup. They love the reliability Macs offer but need the functionality of Windows business software.

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