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Bravewriter Adv Comp or other BW class question...

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Dd just started Bravewriter's Advanced Comp class, and she's actually liking it so far (I get to give opinions! - says she...)


One question about this class or BW classes in general - I thought I'd heard that giving/receiving peer feedback or reading other kids' papers was part (even a big part?) of BW classes.  Dd says nothing like this has happened so far, and she doesn't think she has to do anything like that?


Has she missed something, or is this still coming up (class started Monday, so about a week in), or is this not part of this particular class?


And is there any way for the parent to check in on what's going on with the assignments/progress without asking the student?  Cause of course dd is just annoyed and says 'everything is fine' if I ask...

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My kids have not taken that particular Brave Writer class, but peer feedback has only been a required part of one class and not any of the others we have done. The papers in all the classes have been publicly posted so that other students can read and comment if they wish, but mostly just so that you can see the teacher comments on everyone's writing.


As far as checking on my students, I just log in as my student and take a look around - read and print the assignments, read the teacher comments, and gain knowledge so that I can ask more intelligent questions of my kids. In the classes for younger kids (elementary/middle school) sometimes BW actually gives both a student and a parent login. If you can't access your child's login information, then you could email BW and ask if you could get a parent login password so that you can monitor the class.

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You can log into her account when she's not on it & see all the course stuff.

The kids could see everyone's work when it was posted, or maybe after the teacher commented, I can't remember, but there was another spot to see everyone else's work, if I remember correctly, other people's work & feedback wasn't posted right where they posted their own.


I'm not explaining it well, sorry.


I don't remember the kids commenting much on each other's work, but they could read everyone's work & the teacher comments, which Ds found helpful.

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You can log into her account when she's not on it & see all the course stuff.

The kids could see everyone's work when it was posted, or maybe after the teacher commented, I can't remember, but there was another spot to see everyone else's work, if I remember correctly, other people's work & feedback wasn't posted right where they posted their own.


I'm not explaining it well, sorry.


I don't remember the kids commenting much on each other's work, but they could read everyone's work & the teacher comments, which Ds found helpful.



Oh, okay, thanks - I must have been thinking about being able to see others' papers and the teacher comments on them.


I'd log on when she wasn't around, but her username and password were sent to her email, and I kinda doubt she'll give them to me (she feels like I'm waaaay too nosy about her schoolwork.  Like I should never ask her about anything, ever...  "How's class going?" is apparently 'nagging'  :rolleyes:)   But, yeah, when I'm paying hundreds of dollars for a class, I would kinda like to know how it's going and how she's doing... 

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Did she click on the "Full Class" tab? She can comment there on her classmates' work.


I hope it's okay to quote from the instructions my kid got for his BW SAT/ACT essay class.

"At the top of the posting thread, you will see two tabs: "My Work" and "Full Class." To post your assignment, click on "My Work."


Reading other student work

Select "Full Class": After clicking on an assignment thread at the top level of the classroom, scroll to the reply box, and then, click on the "Full Class" tab and scroll to read all student posts."


My kid is using my email because of his age and he would happily show me everything while whining. No parent account that I know of.

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Did she click on the "Full Class" tab? She can comment there on her classmates' work.


I hope it's okay to quote from the instructions my kid got for his BW SAT/ACT essay class.

"At the top of the posting thread, you will see two tabs: "My Work" and "Full Class." To post your assignment, click on "My Work."


Reading other student work

Select "Full Class": After clicking on an assignment thread at the top level of the classroom, scroll to the reply box, and then, click on the "Full Class" tab and scroll to read all student posts."


Thanks.  I can at least ask her if she's seen that.  If she knows she doesn't have to comment, she might even have interest in looking... maybe... ;)



My kid is using my email because of his age and he would happily show me everything while whining. No parent account that I know of.



LOL... your kid is I'm guessing a bit younger than mine!  She's 15, and wants me completely out of her business.  This is why after trying ps for high school was a bust, I'm pretty much outsourcing 100%...

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Policy at my home is that since "I" pay for the classes, I get access to the login information so that I can monitor the class. It's just assumed that mom will have access anytime I want it since I'm ultimately in charge of orchestrating their homeschool education.


I have presented this argument (many times...).  She does not like it.  :001_rolleyes:  The question is more is it worth it to have the fight to enforce it for every class - easier to pick my battles.  


For many classes it's not an issue - for her DO classes I scan the assignments for her, and DO sends me a copy of the graded work without my having to ask. :)  And I know her password to look at her CC grades, 'cause I set up her account...

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For many classes it's not an issue - for her DO classes I scan the assignments for her, and DO sends me a copy of the graded work without my having to ask. :) And I know her password to look at her CC grades, 'cause I set up her account...

My kids are great at resetting passwords, mostly because they forgot their password for real. Thinkwell homeschool products and CTY JHU does not have parent account either unfortunately.

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Dd just started Bravewriter's Advanced Comp class, and she's actually liking it so far (I get to give opinions! - says she...)


One question about this class or BW classes in general - I thought I'd heard that giving/receiving peer feedback or reading other kids' papers was part (even a big part?) of BW classes.  Dd says nothing like this has happened so far, and she doesn't think she has to do anything like that?


Has she missed something, or is this still coming up (class started Monday, so about a week in), or is this not part of this particular class?


And is there any way for the parent to check in on what's going on with the assignments/progress without asking the student?  Cause of course dd is just annoyed and says 'everything is fine' if I ask...

My son is also in this class :)


In other Brave Writer classes, the instructor has explicitly told the students that commenting on each other's posts and essays is part of the grade. That is where the interaction comes in. I just looked at the grading policy, and I do not see that she has spelled this out - which seems a tad unusual to me for a Brave Writer class.

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