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How to find out how "good" various SUNY programs are?


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My Ds is doing DE this year & is currently waffling between engineering or computer science right now (that s ok, he's only just 16).


Our town has a small SUNY school with a CS dept & a 3+2 engineering option.


Due to finances, we're looking at having him live at home & start at SUNY, then transfer after some gen eds & basics are done.


I know SUNY Albany has a well known CS dept & then I know about the SUNYs with engineering programs already. I know about looking for ABET accreditation.


But, how to investigate relative strength of the other programs? I want to know how well students are prepared for jobs, the job placement rate, info about if they help with getting internships, how many do internships, etc.

We will be able to visit most places he's looking at, so is this best asked when mtg with the dept?



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SUNY Oswego traditionally has had a good CS program 

SUNY Buffalo was the main stay for Engineering back in my day but I believe Binghamton has caught up 


rating of individual majors and depts at a particular college is pretty hard to find


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Ask the departments where recent graduates have gone is useful, and seeing which companies are interviewing on campus. The department should have those statistics, and if they don't or aren't willing to share them that would be worrying. My husband's company hires a bunch of CS graduates from Oswego, so I'd agree that is one of the best smaller SUNYs for CS. SUNY Poly in Utica is also good for CS.

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When dd looked at CS programs at the SUNY, she decided on applying to Stony Brook and Binghamton, partly based on recommendations from here.


Her guidance counselor suggested looking at Albany, but when I looked closer at their CS program, I was not impressed. Most schools have a course listing and a flow chart or suggested sequence of courses on their websites so you can see what kinds of classes are required for the major, and compare.


She did end up getting a full tuition scholarship to Stony Brook, but when we visited she decided against it, partly because the intro classes are HUGE.  Intro Physics I think was the worst - I think they said up to 700?  And they seemed to have a very competitive atmosphere; she's more of a work together kind of kid.  They seem to do a lot of financial oriented CS aimed at Wall Street, where it seems like most of their internships are oriented, and she's more of a robotics kid. Their honors program is very exclusive (20 kids from a freshman CS class of about 700).  But their CS program does have an excellent reputation, higher than the school she went to in the official rankings, but her school has a strong coop program and a robotics lab and minor, so that better fit her interests.  So many aspects to consider!

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Be aware that right now most of the SUNY schools are giving homeschoolers a hard time with admission and TAP aid.    There is legislation that they tried to get through last year to officially recognize homeschool diplomas but that is currently in the Assembly Committee on Higher Education.



I would say the best way to get that information is to ask the school.  Contact their admissions office and have them send that information to you or contact the department chairs directly.



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He's definitely more "robotics" than anything else right now:)


I visited Stony Brook when I was looking & ruled it out immediately too, 20+ years ago, lol.

Binghamton doesn't sound homeschool friendly.


My best guess is he'll start local then transfer but still to a smallish school.


Our local SUNY has been relatively good to homeschoolers the last few years, so, there's that. Our super's are willing to write the required letter. I'm pretty sure he won't get need based aid at SUNY anyways.


Thanks all!

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