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Horse Anatomy etc.

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DD13 is looking for books on horse anatomy (and anything else about horses).  


She is highly motivated - she started riding in June and cannot get enough.  She has been to camp every day this summer, takes private lessons and plans to do shows and work at the barn during school days.   She seems to be a natural, picking up on things very quickly.  I think I'm in trouble! ;)


I thought I would weave her interest into 8th grade science.


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Oooh - thank you!  4-H has amazing stuff - for free.  Would The Pony Club books be appropriate for those who aren't riding ponies?


I would love a beautiful hardbound book for her - just so she can look through it over and over.  For pleasure, not school.


She just finished making treats for the horse she rides.   :lol:

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Winter Promise has an Equine Science program. I personally wouldn't buy the actual program, but I would look through the book list to see which ones might interest your daughter. DD#2 & dd#3 used it this past year. It was overpriced for what it gave them. There are good books in there - check Amazon for cheaper copies. Also, you might see other books that look good when you are browsing Amazon.

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Hmmm - two votes for D Pony Club Manual.  Off to check out Parker.


RootAnn, thanks for the heads up regarding Winter Promise.


The good news about the Pony Club manuals is that there are a couple of more once she has read through D.  No actual Pony Club joining required, thank goodness.

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I would also highly recommend the Winter Promise Equine Science.  Some of those books are really meaty.  We did it when dd was in 5th grade (which I think was a little young for it) but I could easily see kids as old as high school using some of those books.


Have you looked into joining 4-H and seeing if there is a horse group in your area?  Dd is a part of one and competes at Horse Bowl and Hippology contests.  This year she made it to states for Horse Bowl and her team came in 3rd (they had tied for 2nd but the other team had more overall points).  She is also going to be competing the state fair in the Hippology contest (she came in 6th in regionals for juniors).  She just had practice for that last night and they were going over horse anatomy.



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I would also highly recommend the Winter Promise Equine Science.  Some of those books are really meaty.  We did it when dd was in 5th grade (which I think was a little young for it) but I could easily see kids as old as high school using some of those books.


Have you looked into joining 4-H and seeing if there is a horse group in your area?  Dd is a part of one and competes at Horse Bowl and Hippology contests.  This year she made it to states for Horse Bowl and her team came in 3rd (they had tied for 2nd but the other team had more overall points).  She is also going to be competing the state fair in the Hippology contest (she came in 6th in regionals for juniors).  She just had practice for that last night and they were going over horse anatomy.


Nope.  Never considered 4-H.  I just looked at our local horse groups - wow.  Thanks for the heads up! 

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Oh, yes--Horse Bowl can be great! "Name the three types of blister beetle found in alfalfa..." Great memories. 



That's awesome.  :)


So, dd is at a reputable barn - small, with a great instructor.  The owner is the one who mentioned IEA.


Would it be unusual for us to go to 4-H also?

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That's awesome.   :)


So, dd is at a reputable barn - small, with a great instructor.  The owner is the one who mentioned IEA.


Would it be unusual for us to go to 4-H also?



No I think that there are girls in dd's 4-h group who do multiple things.  Dd does not ride (although she would love lessons but the pocketbook can't swing them along with music lessons) so she just does the 4-h

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