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Hodgkins disease?

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I think it is eminently curable these days, whereas in the olden days, there wasn't much they could do.


Prayers for your sister, that they caught it early, that she fights well, and stays healthy otherwise. Seems like they do so much bloodwork with pregancies these days, they surely caught it early to do a good job getting rid of it.


Peace to you.

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My younger sister was dx today with this. :(


Anyone here have experience with this? We don't know yet how long she has had it. She just gave birth to her fifth child less than 2 weeks ago.




Yes, Hodgkin's disease is much more curable that non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It is a type of cancer, so they will treat it with chemo and/or radiation. Here's a link to the Mayo Clinic site.



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He had it back 35 years ago, when it tended to not be treatable, and yet he had radiation, beat the Hodgkin's, and went on to live 30 more years.


These days Hodgkins has a very high cure rate, so your sis should be fine. So sorry to hear she has to go through this though.


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He is considered officially cured, since it has been more than 10 years since his bout with it. He was diagnosed in 1990.


His treatment was rather aggressive (Harper Hospital, Detroit, MI). Back then, they routinely removed the spleen, and took tissue samples from organs. They also did a biopsy from the neck area to check for the signature "Reeds-Sternberg" (sp?) cells associated w/ Hodgkin's. A bone marrow test was also done. He was staged in the 2 spectrum.


His radiologist/oncologist also did radiation therapy in the neck and upper chest quadrants, where the cells seemed to be proliferating.


Dh was exhausted throughout this course of treatment, which is to be expected.


I know that the treatment options have changed since dh had this cancer.


From what I understand, there are many courses of action doctor's can use to deal w/ Hodkin's Disease.


(((hugs))) to you and your sister.

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