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Who watches Project Runway?

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Me me me me!


But I haven't seen the last 2 weeks -- the kids dance on Wednesday night, so I'm out driving them around (we're on Central time), and we were watching the debate last Thursday so we didn't see the repeat on Thursday night.


I hope Leanne wins, though. Or Korto.

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I admit I have been sucked in! :tongue_smilie:I'm always nursing the baby at that time and there is nothing else on.


I am far from fashion forward. I can't believe anyone would wear the stuff they make, but I know they do...somewhere...in cities with populations over a million. ;) I do appreciate the technical pieces. I loved Leann's leather bodice earlier in the season- it was made perfectly.


I can't believe Kenly is still in... she drives me nuts. I was only occassionaly impressed with Koto. I thought she was going home last night. I liked jarrell's perspective- he seemed like he had the most natural eye.


One other point- does anyone else feel the critiques are somewhat arbitrary? A judge or Heidi Klum will bash a design on the runway while wearing something I can imagine would have the designer booted in the first episode. Maybe I have no eye for high fashion.



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Guest janainaz

I watch Project Runway! I like Leanne. I couldn't believe Kinley made it, not that she might not have some decent designs, but because she acted like such a brat to the judges! I wanted to put a piece of duct tape on her mouth. But, maybe she's better than what she seems, who knows. I did like her dresses last night though. Loved Leanne's - can't wait to see the whole collections. Kato's were good consistently - she deserved to be there.

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I watch Project Runway! I like Leanne. I couldn't believe Kinley made it, not that she might not have some decent designs, but because she acted like such a brat to the judges! I wanted to put a piece of duct tape on her mouth. But, maybe she's better than what she seems, who knows. I did like her dresses last night though. Loved Leanne's - can't wait to see the whole collections. Kato's were good consistently - she deserved to be there.


I agree about Kenly's brattiness. I have liked her clothes though...but I think it's because it's more *my* style...feminine and girly. I don't think she is as innovative as Leanne though.

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Me too!


I've been very disappointed with Kenley's brattiness as well. I lost total respect for her when she laughed at Joe when he was getting chastized by the judges. How mean. She really turned people against her. Except for those previous 2 challenges, I have always liked her designs. I did love the wedding dress and the bridesmaids dress was cute.


Jerell - I had liked much of his work, but he could be a little stuck up. I did think it was funny how he would compliment Kenley on her "hip-hop" outfit that was anything but hip-hop. But she got what she deserved. It's a shame he didn't listen to Tim's comments on his wedding dress. It had potential. I didn't really like the sillouettes of some of his other dresses that he showed at Tim's visit.


Korto - until this week, I have liked her work. She has always been interesting, even if I didn't think it was something I would like. I thought her bridesmaid's dress had some great potential, but then, she ruined the line when she cut it so short. I didn't like the wedding dress - the shape, the busy-ness. It just wasn't attractive.


Leanne - I think she should win. She has such a unique vision. I thought her bridesmaid's dress was fantastic. I would wear it!


Can't wait til next week!


BTW, are they doing a reunion show? Or did I miss it?

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Ho'kie -- I finally watched this week's episode and I'm caught up. I'm lousy at this. In all the previous seasons, the outfits I liked best in the runway shows were usually the ones sent home -- labeled "boring" and "done." It pretty much never fails that the one I do *not* want to win -- does! So I hereby announce Kenley will be the winner!


I really admire the fact, though, that the judges were able to look past her "quirks." I find her extremely annoying, and I've tried to feel sorry for her, but the "I'm so misunderstood" thing got old real quick. I was sorry to see Jerel go home, but I think he blew it with his wedding/bridesmaid dresses. When she came down the runway with those things sticking out of her chest, I kind of figured he was a goner. I really like Leanne's style and I'm glad she's still here. She had such a tough first week or two -- she's really pulled it out. Koto -- I don't know. I don't "get" her. I like a lot of her stuff, but the wedding and bridesmaid dresses just did nothing for me.


What I really don't like is that one person works so hard putting a collection together and then just has to turn around and go home! That's terrible! They've done that twice in a row now, and it stinks. Although, I did read that they do that every season because they don't want people to figure out who the final people are, and since Fashion Week is before the final episode (of course) that all the possibles actually *do* make their collections and show -- they just don't get on TV. So I'm guessing they've just made another challenge out of it. I'm too lazy to Google it -- anyone know anything about that?

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What I really don't like is that one person works so hard putting a collection together and then just has to turn around and go home! That's terrible! They've done that twice in a row now, and it stinks. Although, I did read that they do that every season because they don't want people to figure out who the final people are, and since Fashion Week is before the final episode (of course) that all the possibles actually *do* make their collections and show -- they just don't get on TV. So I'm guessing they've just made another challenge out of it. I'm too lazy to Google it -- anyone know anything about that?


The final 6 contestants had shows at Bryant Park so it would be a surprise as to which 3 were the "real" shows. Same thing happened in previous seasons. Some (most? all?) of the contestants say that that's sort of the goal, anyway -- showing at Bryant Park -- so even if your show isn't one of the "official" three finalists you're still excited to show there. Or something like that.


Did that answer your question? Hmm, maybe I should've read this when I'd had more sleep.


Kenley's wedding dress was a dead ringer for the Alexander McQueen dresses the judges mentnioned, by the way.

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I do watch it but everytime Kenley talks I have to mute the television. GAH! Nails on a chalkboard. And her eye-rolling and sighing and laughing when the other designers receive their critiques...ugh! I can't bear that girl.


I really want Koto to win and was very sad to see Jerell go home. Leanne is boring. I loved Suede. :001_smile: Or, Elaine loved Suede.;)

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I watch but I haven't been able to click on this b/c I hadn't seen this week's episode until last night.


Kenley is a brat. And so defensive. And totally lacking self-awareness. Or maybe she's just edited that way. That's probably it.


I guess I have to root for Leanne.

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Oh, I'm a new this season fan! Hooked, I am. I love the shear creative process and energy displayed.


I had to laugh out loud when Michael Kors said Jarrell's wedding dress was 'garish' and Jarrell said, 'really?' I mean, have you watched how Jarrell dresses? The man defines garish, quirky, and artsy.


I'm so surprised Kenley is still in it. She blew so many of the challenges. I don't get how she's made it this far. I miss Suede, too. Can't figure out how he got sent home and Kenley didn't. Kenley's voice drives me insane. Please, if she wins, I hope someone gives her voice lessons. I'm not even going there on her personality. Artsy or not, she needs to learn some basic manners. (I hang with lots of artist types. They don't have to be bears all the time.)


I'm rooting for Korto. I like her style, her family ties, and her background. She showed some clothes during the season that were remarkable...that coat made of seat belts, for instance.


Leanne's designs are technically precise, but I find them not interesting at all and too girly girl for me. I figure she has it all wrapped up.


I DVR PR on Wednesdays so I can go to mid-week church classes and still not miss a thing. :auto:

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The final 6 contestants had shows at Bryant Park so it would be a surprise as to which 3 were the "real" shows. Same thing happened in previous seasons. Some (most? all?) of the contestants say that that's sort of the goal, anyway -- showing at Bryant Park -- so even if your show isn't one of the "official" three finalists you're still excited to show there. Or something like that.


Did that answer your question? Hmm, maybe I should've read this when I'd had more sleep.


Well, maybe sleep deprivation suits you, 'cause it made perfect sense to me! Six it is, then, eh?! *That* makes more sense! I couldn't figure out the timing for only four! Thanks!


Kenley's wedding dress was a dead ringer for the Alexander McQueen dresses the judges mentnioned, by the way.


I *did* look up the Alexander McQueen dress and I think you're right! :)

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I've read that you can see all 6 of the Bryant Park collections at the Bravo website.


Really, true confession here, I read Project Rungay for all the PR scoop. Be forewarned, though, that if you are offended by language or gay guys discussing which guys on the show are hot or other stuff along those lines, this isn't the blog for you.


Anyway, they (the Project Rungay boys) said Leanne's wedding dress was amazing in real life, and that the camera just couldn't capture the ethereal quality.

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Really, true confession here, I read Project Rungay for all the PR scoop. Be forewarned, though, that if you are offended by language or gay guys discussing which guys on the show are hot or other stuff along those lines, this isn't the blog for you.


Thanks! Another addition to my guilty pleasures list! :lol:

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