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Grammar for 6th/7th grade

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What would be your recommendation for DD11 for a grammar program?


She hasn't done a lot of formal grammar. I had thought we would learn Latin to cover grammar, so we are currently working through Visual Latin 1. At the beginning of this year, I began Simply Grammar with her, but it was not a good fit. Way too easy and she didn't feel like we were getting anywhere just sitting and talking through the lessons. So we dropped that one.


She loves reading, writing, and learning foreign languages. She told me recently that she loves grammar. 


What grammar program would you use? For writing she is using WWS1

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AG goes perfectly with WWS for my kids. Last year, DD11 did seasons 1&2 in a co-op class. Much of it was review for her, but she still learned a lot (I wouldn't, generally, move that fast with an 11 year old, but we had to keep up with the class). Next year, we'll spread the final season over the whole school year by taking 2 weeks per unit.

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Thanks for the responses :)


I had looked at AG, but yes the cost!!! I live overseas and to have it shipped here will cost $187 US. Converted to our currency, that is astronomical. I really do not have that in my budget. :( If cost wasn't an issue, that is the one I would choose.


So, budget wise, there must be another program that homeschoolers rave about ;) Or that has an ebook option?

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Hmm, I like that this has an ebook option. Do I need the workbook as well, or is the teachers ebook sufficient? I had purchased Easy Grammar grade 3, years ago, as an ebook and I was able to just the student pages from the teachers book.


IDK. I bought mine back in the day when the only choice was actual books, lol. If you can print the student pages from the teacher ebook, then do that. :-)

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We use Growing with Grammar. It's independent and my daughter, 6th grader, says she loves grammar now too. :) I have 3 kids that use it and all scored in the 98-99% on their standardized tests. 


This is what we have used too. I tried to stray this year, but that didn't go well. We returned to GWG. Her scores are in the 8th or 9th stanine consistently.

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I use Abeka grammar with mine through 6th grade.  I taught high school at a Christian school and used Abeka 7th grade through 12th.  Truthfully, I think that many years of grammar is a bit of overkill.  It's a good program, but I wish it concentrated more on writing in the higher levels.

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