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Help w/dd's political poll homework?

What is the most important purpose of government?  

  1. 1. What is the most important purpose of government?

    • Protection(defense from foreign enemies)
    • Order(settling civil disorder)
    • Conflict Resolution(Govt helps conflict resolution)
    • Economic Stability
    • Public Services
    • None of the above.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I voted none of the above. I believe the main purpose of government is to protect our inalienable rights to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not impede with the inalienable rights of others.


This covers some of the poll items and can get complicated, but that is the main idea.

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I am thinking gov't in general, not broken down into branches or subparts. In those terms, I think the main purpose of government is to protect us from each other--protect bodily integrity and property --, and thus, maintain civil order. Without gov't, life would indeed be nasty, brutus and short. I'd fear the locals would pillage, etc. before the foreign invaders ever got here.:001_smile:

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I believe the main purpose of government is to protect our inalienable rights to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not impede with the inalienable rights of others.


:iagree: So I voted the first option, as protecting our lives from foreign threats seems most likely to need government help, especially at the federal level.

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I voted none of the above. I believe the main purpose of government is to protect our inalienable rights to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as long as it does not impede with the inalienable rights of others.


This covers some of the poll items and can get complicated, but that is the main idea.


Same here. I expect the U.S. Government to uphold the Constitution.

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