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The missing SNL Bailout skit link...

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SNL did a spot-on skit on the bailout last weekend. The video was subsequently pulled from NBC's and youtube websites amidst others. I found it on Michelle Malkins site in the comments section. Allegedly, George Soros made some calls to get it removed from the internet. Who really runs this country?

Here it is: http://msunderestimated.com/SNLBailoutSkit.wmv


I realize it is satire but even the SNL writers get the real picture of what is going on.

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I think the only ones who don't get the real picture of what's going on are the politicians in Washington.

No, what worries me is the idea that they may very well "get it", I just don't like what they're getting.


I never used to be a conspiracy theorist but...:willy_nilly:

Edited by CLHCO
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It played fine here. Hilarious but scary.



It's easy to laugh at these actors, but the fact that the reality is really so close to the parody truly sickens me.


Still, I enjoyed laughing for the duration of the skit. Thanks for posting it Soph.

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The skit is back up on NBC but it's been edited. I have to wonder why though. The excuse I heard for the original pull was because the line below the older couple listed them as "People who should be shot" and they didn't want to inspire violence. They did take those words out but right after that they did a complete cut.


That was not cut out because of a fear of violence to those who made money on this ordeal. That was a politically motivated cut.




Oooo... Saturday Night Live intrigue!

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The skit is back up on NBC but it's been edited. I have to wonder why though. The excuse I heard for the original pull was because the line below the older couple listed them as "People who should be shot" and they didn't want to inspire violence. They did take those words out but right after that they did a complete cut.


That was not cut out because of a fear of violence to those who made money on this ordeal. That was a politically motivated cut.




Oooo... Saturday Night Live intrigue!


That was the one thing I laughed at! Guess I'm violent...

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