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Teaching Textbooks Geometry?

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Hey all, I need some advice about geometry.


First off, I hate geometry, so I am looking for something my dd can use fairly independently. 


We used Math Without Borders for Algebra and loved it, and we plan to go back to MWB for Algebra II, Pre-Calc, and Calculus.


However, their Geometry is weird and not something I am willing to use.


So, after looking around, I settled on TabletClass.


I'm still interested in TabletClass, but I started wondering whether I should get TT Geometry instead. My son uses TT, and I plan to use it with him throughout high school. I understand that it's not the strongest math program out there, but it works for him.


So, if I purchase TT Geometry now for dd, then ds can use it when he gets to Geometry, and I have saved money. I have heard that TT Geometry is a good course even though the rest of their high school math courses are not very rigorous.


DD is very good at math, so I don't want her to use a weak program just to save me some cash. But, if it's actually a strong program, it would be great if she could use it.


DD plans to major in either zoology or computer science.


So, is TT Geometry a pretty strong program, or am I misinformed?


Please, no suggestions for other programs. It took me forever to settle on the idea of TabletClass. ;)

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We used TT geometry, the newer version, and had success with it.  Dd just finished Pre-Calculus yesterday (YEAH!!!) with another program (not TT) and was well prepared for the trig/analytical geometry sections. 


What did your dd use for pre-calculus?  



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What did your dd use for pre-calculus?  




oldest used Lials (after Saxon Algebra 2) with great success!  Youngest started Lials after TT Algebra 2 but wanted something different.  We switched over to Khan for PreCalculus and she liked that a bit better but still was having some trouble grasping some of the trigonometry topics.  She needed more theory explained in a different manner.  So, we used MUS pre-calculus.  It was exactly what she needed.  She had so many "lightbulb" moments!  And she is excited to start Calculus (and physics) next year.

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oldest used Lials (after Saxon Algebra 2) with great success!  Youngest started Lials after TT Algebra 2 but wanted something different.  We switched over to Khan for PreCalculus and she liked that a bit better but still was having some trouble grasping some of the trigonometry topics.  She needed more theory explained in a different manner.  So, we used MUS pre-calculus.  It was exactly what she needed.  She had so many "lightbulb" moments!  And she is excited to start Calculus (and physics) next year.


Thank you!



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For those using the newer version for Geometry - do you use the textbooks? for Algebra I we have found that the books are neglected and we really only use the computer program (with my son doing working out by hand on a whiteboard). Could we get away with just getting the CDs for Geometry, obviously still writing out proofs etc.

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For those using the newer version for Geometry - do you use the textbooks? for Algebra I we have found that the books are neglected and we really only use the computer program (with my son doing working out by hand on a whiteboard). Could we get away with just getting the CDs for Geometry, obviously still writing out proofs etc.

Ds did not use the workbook at all. He used notebook paper to do all of his work, copying off the computer screen, then typed answers into the computer. He might have used the book if there was more open space on his desk though.i know some people have the kids work the problem in the workbook and on the comouter, but we did not.

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