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Please propose a menu


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Sunday afternoon we have friends coming over for a late lunch and I am tired of my own cooking.  Please share your favorite - simple but delicious - Sunday lunch ideas:  appetizer, main and side dishes, and a beverage.  One person is GF and another cannot eat seafood, bananas, and guava.


The friends are bringing dessert so I do not need to plan for that.


I look forward to your favorites.



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Roasted asparagus and baked eggs with veggies and/or meat topped with cheese and cooked in the oven until nice and high. I do mine in ramekins. Maybe strawberries or other non-banana, non guava fruit.


Lemonade and/or sweet tea to drink with citrus infused water or unsweetened iced tea for those who don't like to drink calories.

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I'd probably serve some kind of a main dish salad this time of year.  I sometimes serve a tuna pasta salad which sounds kind of boring, but everyone always likes it.  (You can get GF pasta.)  I also have a good recipe for a lentil/feta cheese/parsley salad, if they're into legumes.


With it, I'd maybe serve some good sourdough bread (with the option of GF), and something like asparagus with the tuna salad or maybe a cucumber salad with the lentil salad.


I'd serve it with a flavored sparkling water.


For an appetizer I'd go with something simple:  rice crackers and sliced cheese, with maybe some chilled white wine?


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Nice cheese and olives and crackers, chicken salad sandwiches made with croissants, side of fruit?


Yes! You can buy GF crackers (but also have regular crackers on hand because honestly, if you're not GF there are better crackers out there). I'd also slice some summer sausage. Mimosas and Bloody Marys for drinks. Simple but refreshing and elegant.

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