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Any creative ideas for my FIRST Tooth Fairy run?

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Dd6 is about to lose her first tooth :D and I'm looking for something fun and creative to do. ANY ideas are welcome!



Sprinkle glitter or confetti (or both!) around her pillow as evidence that the tooth fairy was there.


I used to type out letters to them and use fairy clip art. You know, "Dear Frankie, thank you for the lovely tooth! It's going to be so pretty in my garden. I can tell you take good care of your teeth."



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We give the kids silver dollars for their teeth. We did have to stock up at the bank for them but they like them so well that they choose not spend them but rather save them (which I like better, too).


We do this too! The kids love it. I get them out of the stamp machine at my post office. It gives you change in dollar coins.

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I WISH I had done this with my oldest, but you might want to start a "Notes from the Tooth Fairy" tradition. The first few teeth are exciting. And .... then ... you forget. It's nice to be able to sneak in a nice "Note from the Tooth Fairy" explaining that Wednesday is her day off or her laundry day (if you're as lame as me, you might want to start thinking up excuses and saving them) ... you'll thank me when she's 10, I promise. :rofl:

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Sprinkle glitter or confetti (or both!) around her pillow as evidence that the tooth fairy was there.


I used to type out letters to them and use fairy clip art. You know, "Dear Frankie, thank you for the lovely tooth! It's going to be so pretty in my garden. I can tell you take good care of your teeth."




LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea and its right up my dds alley. Shes got a loose tooth too.. I'm off to find the glitter!!

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Sprinkle glitter or confetti (or both!) around her pillow as evidence that the tooth fairy was there.


I used to type out letters to them and use fairy clip art. You know, "Dear Frankie, thank you for the lovely tooth! It's going to be so pretty in my garden. I can tell you take good care of your teeth."





I love the note idea! Thanks!





I purchased these notes and place one (along with $1) under dd's pillow for each tooth lost.


The Silver Penny


My daughter has really enjoyed the letters more than getting the money.


These notes look really cute! Can you share with me what the messages say?

Edited by Alaska Mom
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We made a sign for the door "Tooth Fairy Please Stop Here Tonight!"

He added tons of glitter glue and swirly pipe cleaners etc.


I found a free first tooth letter from the tooth fairy online and printed that off and tucked it inside an envelope with sparkle glitter.


The second tooth we did the sign and there were sprinkles. He was disappointed that there wasn't a second note.

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so I had to start leaving notes to explain why the kids had to leave their tooth under that pillow for more than one night (gasp if you like, I'll bet I'm not alone!). So I adapted a rather scatterbrained/sassy tooth fairy persona and the kids find it quite funny.


I have also done a treasure hunt to the tooth reward, placing a note with a clue and then a couple more on the trail of the cash. I also like to give novelty dollar coins, but you do have to plan ahead for that.

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I went up to my dd room one night about 10pm to make the money/tooth swap and instead of her tooth, I got a note. It had hints to where I could find her tooth! ..not what I wanted to do at 10pm, right before bed! I did find it wrapped in pink tissue behind her curtain on the windowsill...in the dark. I took it, went down to the computer and met her challenge with a string of notes that began with "Dear Emily, thank you for the tooth. You are a clever girl but I am a clever fairy." and proceeded to send her on a 3 clue search for her money. That turned out to be a lot of fun :)

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I went up to my dd room one night about 10pm to make the money/tooth swap and instead of her tooth, I got a note. It had hints to where I could find her tooth! ..not what I wanted to do at 10pm, right before bed! I did find it wrapped in pink tissue behind her curtain on the windowsill...in the dark. I took it, went down to the computer and met her challenge with a string of notes that began with "Dear Emily, thank you for the tooth. You are a clever girl but I am a clever fairy." and proceeded to send her on a 3 clue search for her money. That turned out to be a lot of fun :)

I just LOVE that! She truly is creative! We leave tiny notes and each dd has her own personal tooth fairy. The first tooth got a silver tooth fairy coin I got on Ebay. I was fortunate enough to have it prior to the tooth coming out and took it to be engraved with the date the tooth fell out. Since then, I, too, have had to leave a note explaining why the tooth fairy hasn't come. My daughters have saved each and every note. We have also left dollars with notes written on them-they have never spent them!

Enjoy the magic.

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My youngest accidentally swallowed one of her teeth, so there wasn't one to put under the pillow. Sad, sad, sad. So, we made a fake tooth out of clay and put that under her pillow. Unfortunately, a parent with a warped sense of humor put a fake dollar under her pillow. Something about a fake dollar for a fake tooth was included in the note. I thought the dd would cry in the morning, but she thought it was great. The oldest then wanted her own fake dollar.

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We give the kids silver dollars for their teeth. We did have to stock up at the bank for them but they like them so well that they choose not spend them but rather save them (which I like better, too).


We gave ours a Sacagawea dollar for their first bottom tooth lost and a 2 dollar bill for their first top tooth lost. All other teeth get a half-dollar coin.



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I haven't read all the responses, but we give a golden dollar for each tooth and a typed letter from the tooth fairy (written in a fancy, swirly font). For the first tooth we also gave a fun new toothbrush and toothpaste, the kind I never buy. So of course it had to have been from the tooth fairy!


LauraD in Mn

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