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#MomFail I've been crying all morning...

Noreen Claire

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That's such a darling picture!!! I really think he'll like his doll, just give it time. Can't blame him, he wanted that cake...his doll doesn't look, or taste that yummy :). Happy birthday to your sweet boy! And congrats on the next blessing coming for y'all :)

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OP, it looks like the cake was a hit!


One last thought, please don't do something my mom did. When I was 7 (? maybe 8), I received a bday gift from my mom and dad. I didn't want it. However, by that point I was well-versed in "say thanks" and then move on.


So I said thanks and moved on to the other gifts. I didn't feel comfortable asking (later on) to return it and exchange it for something else.


Anyway, I never ever touched the gift. I never opened the box.


Recently, my mom gave it to me. "Here's the gift you got for your birthday and never used. I thought you'd want it."


Needless to say, my mom and I have a strained relationship.



No she didn't!!!! Wow. Oh well...her loss. What a waste of time and energy to hold unto a grudge (sort of?) for so long. How did you react?? I try to be nice, polite etc most of the time...but I think I'd have had a hard time not giving it back with a "thanks but I'll pass. I didn't use it then and will definitely not use it now" type of response. I know, I know, I should know better. Sorry she did that :(
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He's 4. Which is only just past 3. Can you imagine the things you did at 3 and 4 that you can't even remember and that now am adult wants to take seriously? I get the hurt, and it's so cool he loved the cake, but we're have to remember that at these ages, they're very undeveloped, and pretty unstable little humans. We love them anyway and move on.


And, unless I'm very wrong about you, he knows you love him lots and lots and no gift can make him feel that way if it's not true, and no gift fail can take that away if it is. You've done good Mamma.

Edited by momacacia
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I have to laugh because as I was reading this I am playing the scenario in my head thinking... she is sad?  so sad she cried?  Maybe she is pregnant!  LOL  When you are not hormonal you might think about how you can NOT take kids remarks personally and allow them to make you sad or angry.  LOL  But as a pg mom you should just cry it out both over the sad stuff and how cute that kid is with the cake!  :D

OH MY GOD, you're right!!!!! Thank you! Next year, cake first. :-)


Also, I'm guessing the extra tears were because I'm pregnant and extra sensitive. 


Family came over and he got Legos and coloring books and a lefty baseball mitt. He was very happy. The doll is still sitting in the living room, untouched. But, hey, the littlest turns two at the end of the month - maybe he would like it!IMG_20160414_192705253_zpshnqhu5l0.jpg


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