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1st grade American history


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We are considering homeschooling my oldest next fall. He was high functioning autism and is gifted as well. He will be six and is doing about second grade level work. I would prefer to not do world history yet but to do American history. He is academically ahead and emotionally immature. Anyone have a good suggestion for an American history curriculum for a first/second grader? We love reading and hands on activities.

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We enjoyed Adventures in America as well. If you want a free geography program to memorize the states and learn a bit about them you can check here - 8 for each state. http://edsnapshots.com/us-geography-homeschool/


beautiful feet books has a good program too. Authors to look for include Robert Clyde Bulla, Jean Fritz, D'Aulaires, Patricia MacLahan (sp) and of course Little House are great reads.

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We did Adventures in America when DS was 4 and enjoyed it. It's a broad overview...key people, things, and events. It includes all 50 states spread out 1 per week. If it were me looking for a first grade level, I'd go with TruthQuest. The author provides a chronological list of events and people from New World exploration to modern times with an abundance of books listed for each topic. She also has her own commentary to enhance the study and provoke more thinking. It's in depth but you can tweak it very easily. I've learned more American history with half of this program than I did in school and all I have done is selected and screened books to start it this summer!

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We enjoyed Adventures in America as well. If you want a free geography program to memorize the states and learn a bit about them you can check here - 8 for each state. http://edsnapshots.com/us-geography-homeschool/


beautiful feet books has a good program too. Authors to look for include Robert Clyde Bulla, Jean Fritz, D'Aulaires, Patricia MacLahan (sp) and of course Little House are great reads.

My mom has the Beautiful Feet program, along with all the books, leftover from her homeschooling days. I could just have it, and free is very appealing. But I want to check out other things first.

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That's what we're planning to do for 1st grade. A chapter a week is 36 weeks. We do plan to do the activities, because she loves hands on stuff. And we will also read through Osborne's American Tall Tales, at least one Little House Book, and some picture book biographies of famous Americans. 

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We have loved The Complete Book of American History and Jennifer Armstrong's The American Story.  I have added in the If You Lived books and some different craft books for the time period that we are studying. Scholastic has some great activity books as well that we have bought when they had their dollar sales.  Google has also been a good tool for finding crafts and videos for what we were learning.

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We centered our American history study at that level on History Pockets. We used Native Americans, Explorers of North America, Colonial America, The American Revolution, Moving West, and The American Civil War. Some of those say grades 1-3 and some 4-6, but they were able to do them all fine.

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That's what we're planning to do for 1st grade. A chapter a week is 36 weeks. We do plan to do the activities, because she loves hands on stuff. And we will also read through Osborne's American Tall Tales, at least one Little House Book, and some picture book biographies of famous Americans. 


Since you mentioned that you are going to read one Little House book, I thought I'd let you know that I checked out a Little House Chapter book this week.  I didn't know that these were out there.  I knew about the First Little House picture books, but not these.  I've scanned half of one book and it seems to be a snippet about Laura's life.  Something between the First Little House books and the Little House books.  I think it's about 70 pages. 


We are on a break from the Little House series, but I think I'll read these in the mean time. 


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We did Adventures in America in 1st grade and it was great! It isn't just a schedule but a spine too, and it's very affordable. My son was a strong reader so I tied in the readers from Sonlight's US history (3rd & 4th) plus lots of biographies from the Who Was series. We did mini unit studies on Lewis & Clark and the underground railroad in addition to Adventures in America. Oh, he watched Liberty's Kids too. We didn't do the state study. It was a great year!

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We did Adventures in America in 1st grade and it was great! It isn't just a schedule but a spine too, and it's very affordable. My son was a strong reader so I tied in the readers from Sonlight's US history (3rd & 4th) plus lots of biographies from the Who Was series. We did mini unit studies on Lewis & Clark and the underground railroad in addition to Adventures in America. Oh, he watched Liberty's Kids too. We didn't do the state study. It was a great year!


I think I have this, lol! A pdf that I would have downloaded? Or ebook maybe? That might be perfect to use with the Pioneers and Patriots. 

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I think I have this, lol! A pdf that I would have downloaded? Or ebook maybe? That might be perfect to use with the Pioneers and Patriots. 


It's a pdf ... might be called Elemental History in the link; not sure. Maybe if you log into Elemental Science or Elemental History you can see you purchase history?


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It's a pdf ... might be called Elemental History in the link; not sure. Maybe if you log into Elemental Science or Elemental History you can see you purchase history?



Thank you! I found it! Awesome! And....it doesn't seem to portray the first peoples as savages! It even mentions they were growing food, building houses, etc, AND discusses the various names including Native American, First Nations, etc! I think I got it on sale once, and forgot about it!!!!

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We did Adventures in America in 1st grade and it was great! It isn't just a schedule but a spine too, and it's very affordable. My son was a strong reader so I tied in the readers from Sonlight's US history (3rd & 4th) plus lots of biographies from the Who Was series. We did mini unit studies on Lewis & Clark and the underground railroad in addition to Adventures in America. Oh, he watched Liberty's Kids too. We didn't do the state study. It was a great year!


Wow. You did so much more than we did with it.  We ditched the states fairly early on.  My son really liked this.  Made him love history and ask for more! more! more!  I'm glad we stuck with American history for this age.  Of course, we've read all the Little House books and are just now starting the Rose books when they move to Missouri (which we just found out about on here somewhere!).  So my kids love that time period.  Can't get enough, in fact.


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