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Needing to take big breaths, what could cause this?

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I've noticed lately a need I have at various times during the day to breathe deeply. It's almost like I feel the need to breathe from my chest if that makes sense. I'm not on any medication, so I don't know why this is happening to me. It's also not related to exerting energy. Like right now, I've been sitting on the couch for a good while and feel like I have to breathe deeply. :confused:

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When you say big breaths, do you mean that you feel like you can't breath as deeply as you want unless you make an effort? That is asthma, but not an asthma attack. If you drink some coffee or something else with caffine, it should go away. Otherwise, it might be from stress.

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When you say big breaths, do you mean that you feel like you can't breath as deeply as you want unless you make an effort? That is asthma, but not an asthma attack. If you drink some coffee or something else with caffine, it should go away. Otherwise, it might be from stress.


It feels more like I can't exist without taking deep breaths. Like, shallow breathing isn't cutting it. Does that make more sense? Hmm, I hadn't thought about asthma...never thought I had that problem. I'm going to google asthma symptoms. Thanks for the idea.

Edited by Bess
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I'm another one to suggest the stress/anxiety attack. At first, I didn't believe it because I wasn't thinking of anything particularly stressful. Sometimes, I was downright good even. But it would come up anyway. But I had every test in the book (plus some as I do have some other physical issues to consider) and it was decided that it was anxiety related. Now I only get it when I don't take my anxiety medication. So now I'm sure the docs are right :)

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I've had this happen. For me it gets really bad when my iron levels drop. When my anemia is severe, I always feel like I'm not breathing enough and I'm constantly stopping and thinking about taking big breaths. I suppose because I don't have enough red blood cells to carry the oxygen, my body is telling me to take in more oxygen.

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I cannot believe all of you have felt this...this happens to me and I know it's stress. I hate it. If I go to take a breath and can't take a complete deep breath, it makes me panic more. If I feel too full after eating I panic,too. Stress is my guess.Lack of control, maybe?

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Yep, it's happened to me, too. Mine is stress related.


I think part of the reason it happens is that when I am stressed I tend to 1) tighten my chest muscles up and 2) not exhale completely. Then when I try to breathe in it feels like I am unable to take a full breath, because my lungs are still partially full and my chest and back feel are tight because I'm stressed. I find that focusing more on completely and deeply exhaling rather than on inhaling, and relaxing my body as I exhale, helps me get over this feeling the most. Sometimes I will inhale slowly, then forcefully exhale through my nose, and wait a couple seconds before inhaling again. Or try double exhaling. Also stretching my chest (pushing chest out and shoulders back) and back, and drinking something warm like a cup of herbal tea helps me to relax my muscles and can help get rid of the feeling.


Another thing that works well for me is distraction. Sometimes if I focus too much on my breathing I start trying to control it rather than just let my body do it on its own. If I can find something else to do and forget about how I'm breathing, I find that my body will find its normal rhythm again while I'm not paying attention. :)


Not a fun feeling to have, though, even knowing that it isn't really anything to worry about.

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