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Recommendations for Algebra 1


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I have ds, 11, who has tested profoundly gifted. Math is his thing, he gets it very quickly. We are homeschooling again after 3 years in public school. He is in algebra 1 and bored with the homeschool 'class' that he goes to. We looked at Stanford University's gifted youth program, which uses Lial, but the online format to do the class through them is so cumbesome. I looked at some of the posts on the Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 and it from how people talked it sounded a little light. Does the Lial book have a DVD/CD rom supplement? Does anyone have any other great advice for me? I feel lost and alone and like I have no one to talk to who understands. My 2 dd's are in public school and like it, so I have a foot in 2 worlds and it's hard.

Thanks so much for listening!!

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How about the Chalkdust algebra series? It is a community college level math course w/ a dvd component (some might say "remedial" math for community college students not ready for the big leagues). Prof. Mosely does the lectures in front of a chalkboard. The program has a complete solutions manual. We love CD.


I hope you find something that works :)

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I have ds, 11, who has tested profoundly gifted. Math is his thing, he gets it very quickly. We are homeschooling again after 3 years in public school. He is in algebra 1 and bored with the homeschool 'class' that he goes to. We looked at Stanford University's gifted youth program, which uses Lial, but the online format to do the class through them is so cumbesome. I looked at some of the posts on the Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 and it from how people talked it sounded a little light. Does the Lial book have a DVD/CD rom supplement? Does anyone have any other great advice for me? I feel lost and alone and like I have no one to talk to who understands. My 2 dd's are in public school and like it, so I have a foot in 2 worlds and it's hard.

Thanks so much for listening!!


Lial's does have a CD component. I just bought mine (8th edition) on half.com for only $10. It is basically someone going over the lesson but we are watching it daily. We are doing 1/2 lesson per day and the problems as per my previous post and the recommendations I received. I suppose if your child gets it quicker they could do an entire lesson daily.

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My dd is a just gets it kinda kid in math too. She was ready for algebra last year at the age of 11. I looked into different programs and we decided on Jacobs Elementary Algebra. It worked out well for us both - the explanations were straight forward, some review without being tedious, and easy to use. We are using Jacobs geometry this year.

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If you need something with lectures or instruction to view, then Chalkdust may be the best answer...plus he goes all the way to Calculus so you would not have to change curriculum companies as you go.


Jacobs is great too, but may be a bit more involved for you since there would not be a tutor available. We used Jacobs for Al I and Geometry, Foerster for AL II and Precalculus and Chalkdust for Calculus. All are really solid, gifted appropriate material....particularly for one starting at 11. Jacobs has the added benefit of some humor worked in which often appeals to younger students too.

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Welcome, mum!


My daughter did Lial's Beginning Algebra in 8th grade with only the merest help from me. Though they exist, we did not have any of the video helps.


You might also wish to post your query on the Accelerated Learner Board; I think you'll find others there who can appreciate the particular issues you have being the parent of a gifted learner.




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We found Lial's Elementary Algebra okay when my dd was 11, better than Jacob's, and she's not profoundly gifted, although highly gifted in math (but still manages to hate math). If your dc can sit for long problems and likes the theoretical aspects of math, I'd try Gelfand's Algebra, and if not perhaps an older Dolciani (my dd's favourite choices, despite hating math and we have used both--she prefers the 1965 Dolciani over the 1974 one). You may also wish to check the algebra tag I'll add at the end of this for some older Algebra threads that might help you more with this topic. Also, you may wish to try the accelerated learner forum as there are some parents of profoundly gifted dc there who may be able to help--one has a 13 yo college sophomore, for example. fwiw, my dd learns Algebra by reading the text, and didn't care much for the samples of VideoText & Chalkdust.

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If your dc can sit for long problems and likes the theoretical aspects of math, I'd try Gelfand's Algebra, and if not perhaps an older Dolciani (my dd's favourite choices, despite hating math and we have used both--she prefers the 1965 Dolciani over the 1974 one).

We've enjoyed Gelfand, although we're not using it as our main program. DS did Algebra with NEM 1 and 2 (Singapore) and they were a good pace and level of challenge for him. We're doing Geometry in bits and pieces (although I bet we'll go back to Singapore at some point) and we're doing a Statistics thing now, but overall I've really liked Singapore and Gelfand.

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How about the Chalkdust algebra series? It is a community college level math course w/ a dvd component (some might say "remedial" math for community college students not ready for the big leagues). Prof. Mosely does the lectures in front of a chalkboard. The program has a complete solutions manual. We love CD.


I hope you find something that works :)



:iagree: We are loving CD here.

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