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Question for facebook users

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OK, I just signed up (and have added several of you as friends) on Facebook. I have some questions. First of all, I love the flair. How do you get it so your flair is visible on your page? Or is it? Second question. I don't get the flower things. What is the point of those and how does it really help global warming? ;) Third, I added some people that I went to highschool with because they saw my name and requested to be my friend, but I don't really care about getting updates on my wall about their announcements or anything like that. It feels like I have information over-stimulation and I can't really filter how to use this to chat (are the chats always public) or to keep in contact with people.


Convince me that this is a good thing. It all feels so cluttered and visually unappealing to me. All I really want is flair. ;)

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I just signed up a couple of days ago, too. So, I am interested in your answer. I think for the wall comments, I went to privacy and clicked around and found something to rate that particulars friends updates as last...this one person had lots of stuff on her wall from her friends and it was showing up on my wall..it seemed to take care of it.


I added a bookshelf thing, it shows what books you are reading and what you've finished, but it doesn't show up on my first page yet...I can't figure it out. I saw it on a friends page, that was why I got it..so far I have the book I am reading showing up, but not the books I've just read.


any help from those in the know would be great!:lurk5:

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I got dragged in some months ago by alumni friends from my Up with People year in the 80s, plus some high school friends and now I'm hooked!


Your flair should appear under "boxes" by default and you can "manage your flair" with a button just below the flair corkboard. This lets you move it around on the board. If I find out how to move it to your main page, I'll let you know.


There are settings for what you allow on your wall and you can even be sure not to get emailed when such things happen...a good choice in my opinion.


When adding applications, you must allow it do display the app. or it won't.


I'm having fun with it...not sure if I can find you on there without your last name, but if you PM me, I'll invite you so you can see mine.


Been thinking about setting up a WTM group on there if there isn't one already.:tongue_smilie:

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Be sure and include me. Link is on my blog linked in my siggy fellow WTM'r and TOG'r! I'm still learning myself but chat is private. You can also send someone a message which is the "most" private.


Writing on someone's wall means everyone can see!! I think you can determine which messages you receive. I have an application downloaded to my phone so I know that way.

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Been thinking about setting up a WTM group on there if there isn't one already.


There is. :)


Mindy, you can PM people, just like on these boards, if you want something more private than a "wall" conversation. And I personally don't think the flower thing actually helps anyone (so if I've ignored flowers from anyone here, please don't take it personally). If you can find a link somewhere called "applications" it should show you what you have and you can search for more and manage them to show up or not.

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About the flair...


Go to boxes and find your flair box if you ahve added the application. If you haven't, then add the application first. Click on the little pencil at the top right of the flair box and choose "move to wall" (or something like that, I can't remember, exactly.) You still can't see all the flair at once, but it will add it to the wall page.

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I've been on Facebook for several months, and about 2 months ago really got my page up and running. I ignore 90% of the requests that come my way (lil green patch, etc.). Many of them are sent out in batches by people and they won't even know if you responded or not.


I enjoy seeing the daily updates. I think it's interesting to find out that my old friend is writing the Great American Novel or has a particular politcial bent. But I also noticed that as I add old friends from high school and such, there may be an initial message of "Whatcha been up to all these years?" but then it slows down.


You certainly don't need to feel obligated to comment on anyone's updates, photos or anything else. I did that more when I had just a few friends, but I could never keep up now.

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OK, I just signed up (and have added several of you as friends) on Facebook. I have some questions. First of all, I love the flair. How do you get it so your flair is visible on your page? Or is it? Second question. I don't get the flower things. What is the point of those and how does it really help global warming? ;) Third, I added some people that I went to highschool with because they saw my name and requested to be my friend, but I don't really care about getting updates on my wall about their announcements or anything like that. It feels like I have information over-stimulation and I can't really filter how to use this to chat (are the chats always public) or to keep in contact with people.


Convince me that this is a good thing. It all feels so cluttered and visually unappealing to me. All I really want is flair. ;)


You must add the flair to your profile to get it on the wall but it will stay on the left or at least mine does. Wondering what page of Facebook most people stay on? Profile page, home, etc.

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1) These show up on your profile page, not your homepage. Just wanted to make sure you knew that!:D


2) On the bottom left hand corner you should see a button that says "applications." The top 5 or 6 should show up on your profile page. If you've already added the flair (or bookshelf) app, you need to click and drag the apps that you want see to the top 6. You can also add an app tag to the tool bar type thing that says info, pics, etc, etc.


3)Flair doesn't seen to lool/work like it used to. Mine now shows one main button, and then people can click right or left to click to see all your buttons. I know I'm supposed to be seeing more than I am because I have a red X where they aought to be. Not sure what's up with that.



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I've been on Facebook for several months, and about 2 months ago really got my page up and running. I ignore 90% of the requests that come my way (lil green patch, etc.). Many of them are sent out in batches by people and they won't even know if you responded or not.




Oh, but they do notice. When they show up to rake your garden or photograph your toad they say to themselves, "Wait, I sent her some plants. Where are they?"


But if you don't want my seedlings, I guess I understand.........:tongue_smilie:

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I love reading the status updates and commenting on them when appropriate. I rarely feel clever enough to come up with one of my own, but I'm trying. :001_smile: I love being able to keep in touch with old college buddies. We give each other virtual high fives--or in our case "Hotty Toddy" cheers--when our college team is doing well.

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Second question. I don't get the flower things. What is the point of those and how does it really help global warming? ;)

Their sponsors (allegedly) donate money to fight global warming whenever you accept or send plants. In order to accept or send plants you end up seeing their ads.



Third, I added some people that I went to highschool with because they saw my name and requested to be my friend, but I don't really care about getting updates on my wall about their announcements or anything like that.


I think you're talking about your newsfeed, not your wall. Your newsfeed is what *you* see when you sign in. If you're getting news about people you're not particularly interested in, you can mouse over their news item and click on the options tab that pops up. From there you can choose "Less about Joe Bob".


On my wall I am getting comments that my friends made about other people's (that I don't know) pages. How do I eliminate that without ignoring that person.


Facebook is all about networking and they show you what your friends are saying to each other. Sometimes they will show you what a friend said to someone they think you might know (same college, same high school, lots of mutual friends, etc). As far as I know, there's no way around that.


And does every comment I make on someone's wall appear on all their friends wall?


It will only show up on your friend's wall, but it may show up on other people's newsfeeds. I typically use wall posts for pretty mundane stuff, but I use inbox messages and instant messages for more personal stuff.



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