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I'm back from WDW!!!

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All in all, it was a great trip. I did spend a day at the clinic nearby because I had a horrible upper respiratory infection and my throat was so raw, I couldn't stand it. Other than that though, the crowds were fine, the food was GREAT and we rode everything we wanted to ride so many times we didn't even care about riding anymore. One night, we rode TOT a dozen times. We met this really cute little guy from NY who was working there on a college program. He let us ride the service elevator back up to the ride every time so we could bypass the line and the movie intro. Have I mentioned that Tower of Terror is my all-time FAVORITE ride in the world?!? Well, that and Rockin Roller Coaster (which we also rode a ridiculous amount of times).


All in all we had lots of fun. I was very impressed with the food. We had some AWESOME meals, and Boma was DIVINE!! In fact, all of our sit-downs were fantastic. Boma was the favorite, but we loved Tutto Italia in Italy, Kona Cafe in Poly, Tony's in MK, UK in Epcot (the sticky toffee pudding was to DIE for) and the Hollywood and Vine buffet was quite enjoyable too. The bbq at Flame-tree in AK was FANTASTIC for a counter meal - we ate there twice! The Mexico counter was good too, as were the churros of course!!


Anyway, I don't know if we'll go back next year or not. It was great, but the sitting around and waiting for stuff does get to me. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it again that soon. And there are lots of other places I'd love to go. We'll just have to see...


It's good to be back though!

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Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a good time. We returned last week. We ate at Boma this time too. It was dh's favorite. I loved it, but preferred O'Hanas. I'm so bummed we missed Flame Tree. We were on the other end of the park that day and the kids were HUNGRY! So, we ate at the pizza place over there. Oh well - more reason to go back.


We found the same thing at the parks while we were there - NO lines! And, if there was a line, it was usually only 10 minutes. We rarely needed fast passes. I can't wait to go back. The waiting doesn't bother me so much (did you mean for transportation?). The longest we waited for something all week was checking out of our hotel!!! Seriously!


Welcome home!

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I gotta say, I was not prepared for the heat...82 degrees sounded comfortable but for this no-humidity Northwesterner, it was just plain HOT. However, we still had the best time. I am amazed at the attention to detail all the parks have...really alot of thought went into EVERYTHING.


I loved the Epcot countries area; we ate at the Biergarten and I got so nostalgic for Germany, my db and I decided to plan a trip to Europe (yeah, ok, it was fun to think about at least.:glare:)


Lines were mostly great (except for Toy Story at Hollywood Studios...rode it twice and it was over an hour wait both times AND the fast passes were gone by 9:30 am. For those of you going soon, get your fast passes early for that one).


LOVED the Safari ride at Animal Kingdom. We were there for 9 days so did every park, including water parks, and did a frenzied 3-park hop on our last day (probably won't do THAT again).


Anyhow, for someone who doesn't like to do anything that does not have a purpose (mental, spiritual, moral), I was really surprised at how much I loved being there. Actually, I think the joy my dc had with all their cousins was somehow spiritual and maybe mental, so there was purpose.

We tried to hook up with LizzyBee but it just never happened (however, she sounds lovely on the phone!)


Hope those of you going soon have a BLAST!

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ILines were mostly great (except for Toy Story at Hollywood Studios...rode it twice and it was over an hour wait both times AND the fast passes were gone by 9:30 am. For those of you going soon, get your fast passes early for that one).


Anyhow, for someone who doesn't like to do anything that does not have a purpose (mental, spiritual, moral), I was really surprised at how much I loved being there. Actually, I think the joy my dc had with all their cousins was somehow spiritual and maybe mental, so there was purpose.

We tried to hook up with LizzyBee but it just never happened (however, she sounds lovely on the phone!)


Hope those of you going soon have a BLAST!


Oh yes! I totally forgot about that ride having such a long line! It's a new ride. Dh got our fast passes first thing and we didn't go back until 3 pm!! Even with the fast passes, our wait was 10 minutes or so. Better than an hour!


I KWIM in your second paragraph there. I definately think it has a purpose. My family is SOOOO relaxed there. We're never frenzied because we go often enough that we never feel the pressure to do it all. I love it because I don't have to cook or clean! My kids usually get along when we're there (well, unless you hold the fight two of my boys had on Triceratops Spin against them. Um - one of them actually chipped a TOOTH in that fight! I can laugh now, but I was really angry at the time!)


So much fun!!!!

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I KWIM in your second paragraph there. I definately think it has a purpose. My family is SOOOO relaxed there. We're never frenzied because we go often enough that we never feel the pressure to do it all. I love it because I don't have to cook or clean! My kids usually get along when we're there (well, unless you hold the fight two of my boys had on Triceratops Spin against them. Um - one of them actually chipped a TOOTH in that fight! I can laugh now, but I was really angry at the time!)


Oh, that's so funny! :lol: Who needs souveniers when you can just bring home chipped teeth! We were not nearly as original...had to buy smashed penny books and then ALL of the smashed pennies. It sounds so cheap when you start out....


Also, we must have missed the lizard-phase...there were some but not nearly enough for all of the boys we had with us! We did have these wierd little black bugs that were all over the place and mating, no less. We learned from one of the tram drivers that they are called Love Bugs. Hah.

Edited by Debbie in OR
Added info on lizard issue
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I did spend a day at the clinic nearby because I had a horrible upper respiratory infection and my throat was so raw, I couldn't stand it. Other than that though, the crowds were fine, the food was GREAT and we rode everything we wanted to ride so many times we didn't even care about riding anymore. One night, we rode TOT a dozen times. We met this really cute little guy from NY who was working there on a college program. He let us ride the service elevator back up to the ride every time so we could bypass the line and the movie intro. Have I mentioned that Tower of Terror is my all-time FAVORITE ride in the world?!? Well, that and Rockin Roller Coaster (which we also rode a ridiculous amount of times).


I'm really sorry about your clinic visit...just can not plan for those things!


And my family will be SO envious of your TOT and Rockin Roller Coaster experience. Those were their faves as well and they begged, BEGGED to go on them.


So glad you had fun!

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We just got back 3 weeks ago. My dd and I are having a hard time being back home. We had such a great time. The weather was too hot, but at least we only had 1 hour of rain our entire 8 days! And there were almost no lines for the rides at all! We had 2 character meals, one of them on my birthday at Crystal Palace!

Glad everyone else who was just there had a nice time also.

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Sounds like an awesome trip! You were there during free dining and no big waits?! That's great! I did hear of people walking into LeCellier (in Canada at Epcot) and getting a table (even with free dining) so crowds were obviously low. 130 days until our trip and I can't wait! As for your special treatment at TOT, sounds like you got lots of pixie dust sprinkled your way. I guess I'll actually have to try and ride it this time. :)

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