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Favorite productivity apps?


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I need an app that has an alarm/reminder feature. Bonus points if I can snooze the reminder in case I'm in the middle of something else. Google calendar is ok for a lot but I'd like something that's more of a to do list.


Any recommendations?

Edited by ajfries
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Hm. What kind of phone do you have? I sent up multiple alarms in the clock on my iPhone. I can put descriptions with them. You could set alarms for different tasks, or perhaps you could set an alarm to check your "to do" list.

I use the iPhone reminders lists for my "to do" lists. I have separate lists for phone calls that need to be made, errands to run, etc.

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Another vote for Any.do. I've only been using it for a couple months, so I'm no expert. However, I've already found several features I like. It's simple and the free version is adequate for my needs. It's easy to add alarms, create subtasks, and drag and drop to prioritize tasks. It's got a few quirks (like I wish it had a calendar view--maybe it does but I'm missing it?), but overall I like it.


I tried to use Remember the Milk before Any.do but it was a huge flop for me. In the RTM free version you can only sync once per day, which made moving between tablet and phone impossible. That was a total dealbreaker for me. The alarm function also didn't work for me in the free version.

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For those of you using any.do, is there a way to customize the snooze time? Right now when I 'snooze' a reminder it goes off an hour later. I'd like for it to nag me every 5 or 10 minutes.

Yes, but it's a bit of a pain. This is how I do it on the iPad: When the reminder pops up, choose "options" then choose "open". This opens the reminder in the app. Then at the bottom, press "snooze" and then choose "custom". I'm not sure if after that custom snooze it reverts back to an hour or not. HTH

Edited by meena
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