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What to use with RightStart G and beyond?


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Hello all,


My son (10) just finished up RS E and has begun level G. Loving it so far. I was thinking about having him do it for 2-3 days of the week and then adding in something else to finish up the rest of the year. Next year (6th grade) beginning pre-algebra. Not sure what to pair it with though. I think RS E left out some fraction work and maybe some decimal work as well. Keys to series? MM? Something else? Nothing else?


For those that have used G what did you do? What program did you follow it with?



Thank you!

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Glad to hear you are liking the RSM level G.  We are about done with RSM Level E and I am on the fence as to whether to go to level G or start a different curriculum.  We did do RSM fraction book between Level D and Level E.  It did help some to solidify those areas, but it still has some gaps in my opinion.  You said next year you will do Pre-Algebra, what curriculum?  Sorry I don't have any suggestions about what to pair Level G with.  We do double math in my house.  I teach them RSM and they do Teaching Textbooks on their own, as reinforcement.  I was thinking about just doing TT starting after level E, but if you like G I might consider it.  Thanks.

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We have not gotten very far in it yet but my son says it's his favorite part of the day now. He was always loved the geometry sections so I'm not surprised but he has never said math was his favorite before. I like that he can do it independently since I have 2 others in RS at the moment.


I'm still trying to decide about pre-algebra programs. RS recommends VideoText, but I've seen good things about AoPS and a few others I haven't had a chance to look at yet. I'm really just beginning my next year planning.

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  • 1 month later...

Jess, I couldn't agree with you more! I love RS, but just recently discovered my DS (11) was very weak in the area of fractions and decimals.  We did A-E 1st edition. For 5th grade we did some of the Beast Academy books and a few basic workbooks. I am going back to RS G for 6th grade, but I am also looking for something to do with it.  I was thinking 3 days of RS and 2 of ?????  I am also considering MM or maybe just Khan Academy/Prodigy. I'm going to follow your thread and hope some others will chime in.  

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Let's see...


My little man has completed RS A-E, followed by a combination of RS Geometry and VideoText Algebra. He worked through 1-4 lessons of RS Geometry per week, until lesson 81-ish when we introduced VideoText Algebra. Then, he started the week working through 1-2 lessons in Geometry, and finished the week by completing 1 lesson of VideoText. We would sometimes supplement with Singapore CWPs. Geometry was mostly completed in 2 years, as is suggested. I purchased RS Fractions for fear that he'd have some issues with fractions and decimals due to lack of practice as stated elsewhere by other posters, but it was never really an issue. RS and VT have been sufficient for my little man, though it may not be enough for others. It's just a case by case basis. (Review problems while using VT can be found here at their website.) We're still working our way through VideoText this year and next, completing two lessons a week. Our next step will be VideoText Geometry in 8th grade.


I've compared other programs along the way (e.g., AoPS, Foerster, etc...just out of sheer curiosity) but have always come back to being satisfied and content with our decision to stay the course with RS and VT. A student must like RS Geometry—all of the drawing, format, and whatnots—in order to stay the course. Same goes for VT with it's computerized explanations on the screen. They're certainly not preferred by every student, though could be completed by many to most regardless. In our case, my little man enjoy both.


Here are a few threads that may offer some useful feedback:












Edited by NCAmusings
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I saw this topic when you first posted, but didn't have time to answer. I wanted to throw our experience out there for you-and for anyone else that searches later.


My DD is in 5th, and started the program in October or so. My plans are to completely finish by October of 6th grade. Currently, we are halfway through. I had originally purchased VT A-C to use along side, as recommended by RS. I also have AOPS pre-A on the shelf. What I found is, I am incapable of running two math programs at the same time. Doing RS for 3 days and preA for 2 did NOT work here. AT ALL. If I really wanted to start preA I would do two full units of math concurrently (4-5 lessons of RS AND 4-5 lessons of preA/VT).

There are some lessons that ask for an answer I don't feel is adequately covered in RS-I think this is because it assumes an algebra program is being worked through at the same time (I don't have an example, sorry. But it's been things like balancing an equation, solving for x when there are multiple steps, order of operations, etc) For me this isn't a big deal-I just teach those concepts within the lesson. And others may not have had this problem-maybe it was taught and she (and I!) just didn't remember. 


Another thought (maybe not for you OP, but I didn't find this information on the forums, and maybe it helps someone else reading at a future date): I could not hand this program to dd to work through on her own. Others may have different experiences, but here is ours. Some of the lessons she could (did, and does) on her own. But others, reading the book wasn't enough, she still needed/wanted me to teach. I'm happy to oblige. A-E are rather parent intensive, and going from that to doing math completely on her own wasn't a good fit. There was little retention and a failure to understand concepts. Perhaps she understand the steps behind a problem, but not the reason they worked and couldn't transfer that knowledge to other problems. 


Come fall, she will still be working through RS and we will start either VT or Aops. My current plan though is to have two math "classes" each day.


Lastly, there was some discussion above that a student needed to like the drawing portions of the previous programs in order to like this one. I would agree. HOWEVER, my dd didn't like the geometry portions of the previous lessons. By lesson 20 she was ready to be done with G, but we stayed the course. Now that she's farther in and used to it, she really enjoys math and I've been impressed with how much she has learned and is able to apply to the real world.


Good Luck, HTH!

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We are currently doing the Rightstart Fractions book two days a week, one day of level G, and 2 days of Beast Academy (currently 3C). I find a lot of Beast to be review, but that's fine with me for now. There are a few new tricks and its teaching my daughter to look for the easier way to solve the problem instead of just slogging through.


I wrote about the Fractions book if you care to take a look into that:


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Btw, there is a Yahoo! Group for VideoText Algebra/Geometry that has helpful posts about RS to VT. Check it out!


Yahoo! Group:



Posts in Yahoo! Group: 




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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been using RightStart and find it very parent intensive but good. On hearing what has been said here about fractions and decimal areas being weak I'm wondering if I should have them do Key to Fractions and Key to Decimals a couple days a week. That would be something they could do independently and would perhaps cover those topics more in depth. Hmmmm

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  • 3 months later...


I have a 11yr old dd entering 6th grade.  We have always used Singapore successfully, but are ready for a switch.  We attempted AoPS pre-algebra.  It's not working for us so I'm considering Saxon 8/7 or Right Start G.  Is it recommended to do Right Start G if the student hasn't done ANY of the RightStart program?  Also is it a better plan to do pre-algebra and follow with Algebra I for consistency before adding Geometry concepts?  My dd does well in math and is an accelerated learner but I'm concerned about this path leading to Algebra I in 7th and then the concepts being too difficult.  Any suggestions?  

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I have a 11yr old dd entering 6th grade. We have always used Singapore successfully, but are ready for a switch. We attempted AoPS pre-algebra. It's not working for us so I'm considering Saxon 8/7 or Right Start G. Is it recommended to do Right Start G if the student hasn't done ANY of the RightStart program? Also is it a better plan to do pre-algebra and follow with Algebra I for consistency before adding Geometry concepts? My dd does well in math and is an accelerated learner but I'm concerned about this path leading to Algebra I in 7th and then the concepts being too difficult. Any suggestions?


My 11 yr old just started 6th a month ago, and we had used Singapore through 5B. She began Rightstart G and is 25 lessons in at this point. She loves it. It isn't too hard, and is the perfect change for her. She has already been applying what she's learned to her art in her free time. She does it four days per week. She also does a section once a week from Advanced Math for Young Students: a First Course in Algebra. It seems to working quite well. The plan is to go through AOPS prealgebra for 7th, or even before, depending on how long it takes to finish Rightstart G. My kids are not particularly good at math, but Singapore seems to have accelerated the typical math instruction sequence. So we are spending a bit more time enjoying the math options in the middle grades.

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I have been using RightStart and find it very parent intensive but good. On hearing what has been said here about fractions and decimal areas being weak I'm wondering if I should have them do Key to Fractions and Key to Decimals a couple days a week. That would be something they could do independently and would perhaps cover those topics more in depth. Hmmmm

Edition 1 level E does well with fractions etc, but doesn't cover everything that needs to be covered. But now in the tutoring section there is a Fractions Book that has a roughly 2 month course on fractions. I plan to do that with my kids if I can. The games, I understand, could also cover those. I suspect the edition 2 level F will cover it once it comes out.


Anyway, just thought I'd mention the fractions program.


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I have a 11yr old dd entering 6th grade. We have always used Singapore successfully, but are ready for a switch. We attempted AoPS pre-algebra. It's not working for us so I'm considering Saxon 8/7 or Right Start G. Is it recommended to do Right Start G if the student hasn't done ANY of the RightStart program? Also is it a better plan to do pre-algebra and follow with Algebra I for consistency before adding Geometry concepts? My dd does well in math and is an accelerated learner but I'm concerned about this path leading to Algebra I in 7th and then the concepts being too difficult. Any suggestions?


RightStart level G can be done by a student with no previous RightStart experience. It is a bit different than the other levels.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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