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Exercise Thread week Jan 17-23

Kim in Appalachia

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Happy Monday! Yesterday I did my PT exercises, Denise Austin cardio and strength workouts, plus a 15 minute postnatal recovery DVD from the library. This morning I did the recovery DVD, PT exercises and 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill because it was -5 outside. I'd like to walk again tonight, but Baby Boy had his two month shots today so he might be extra clingy. At least breastfeeding burns calories too :-)

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Exercise class last night, determined to try drop-in yoga class tonight.


I've been taking Saturdays and Tuesdays off, but I'm not totally satisfied with 5x week. Last week I exercised twice on Wednesday (video in the morning, class in the evening) which I guess could count as 6x? I was curious what everyone else here does.

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Since my last post I've done Tai Cheng once and two evening "hikes" with the kids. I'm discontinuing Tai Cheng because I'm just trying to get through it so I'm not doing a good job and I'm exhausted afterwards. My hikes have been great though! It's cold out and I have issues with the heat. I'm totally wiped out afterwards but Matt's home to bathe the kids and put them down and clean up. He's totally okay with it if it means I get moving so we're going to focus on trying to get out everyday.

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Exercise class last night, determined to try drop-in yoga class tonight.


I've been taking Saturdays and Tuesdays off, but I'm not totally satisfied with 5x week. Last week I exercised twice on Wednesday (video in the morning, class in the evening) which I guess could count as 6x? I was curious what everyone else here does.



My weeks vary.  I usually do 6x's a week, but Monday's are often a two a day with running in the morning and a yoga class in the evening.  Lately I've also been doing yoga on my rest day too.  I don't always, it depends on how I feel.  But yoga days are very flexible.  If I have the energy I go harder, like Ashtanga, if not I do something that just focuses on flexibility, so it's more like a rest day.  And if need be I just do some Yin yoga, very gentle and restful.  

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5 mile run this morning.  My very busy day changed because of the snow.  Everything was cancelled and now I'm getting a chance to catch up on some stuff.  I scrubbed my bathrooms, I going to fold all of my wash, then get my floors done.  It's been a busy week so far and my house has been neglected.  I also put some chicken bones on to simmer.  I had saved them from having roast chicken on Sunday.  I plan on chicken and dumplings, or if I feel ambitious, homemade pot-pie noodles, for dinner. It's a perfect day for it.


I'm also hoping for 30 minutes of yoga later, if the day keeps going well.  

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I am trying to take 2 days a week off but it's not working.  Friday and Sunday are supposed to be my rest days.  M, W, and Thursdays I work out morning and evening. But at least Fridays and Sundays are non-impact.  On Fridays I just drill technical jujitsu moves and stretch- so it's a brain workout and Sundays are now a barre class with my 16 yo dd because she begged me to- it's very restorative and refreshing.


One of my teen aged teammates made a stupid mistake of leaving his training book in the gym 2 times in a row-  and was assigned 400 pushups unless all the team agreed to do 200 each, in which case he only had to do 200.  So I still need to get 150 done.  


I just have to get to September..... 

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I've been so busy this week and have been fighting a cold, but I've been getting my workouts done :)


Sunday: weight circuits w dh

Monday: training session, 30 min elliptical

Tuesday: forced myself to do 30 min on the bike

Wednesday: training session, 30 min elliptical


Today I bench-pressed 80 lb :D Take that, shoulder!


Tomorrow will be the bodyweight bootcamp class in the evening, Friday will be something cardio plus core, and Saturday looks like it will involve shoveling! (We're in the band that could be :eek: or :eek: :eek:)

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I really enjoyed Yoga on Monday night and plan to go again. Tonight is exercise class. This morning I did the 60-minute Zumba Exhilarate video. Just No. No. Perhaps a professional dancer would enjoy their first run-through of that. I am *so* not the target audience this video is aimed at. This is not what I am aiming for. Good thing there are plenty more DVDs to try.

I am so glad our library had a selection to try before purchasing anything.

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Slache, now I want peanut butter cookies. I may have to make them tomorrow. I cleaned my house all day, and found out that all of tomorrows activities are cancelled, so I get a whole day home with nothing planned. I'm planning on yoga and reading, but maybe now I'll also make cookies.

I'm sure you have a recipe but I made these.



Three Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies




1 cup peanut butter

1 cup white sugar

1 egg



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

Combine the peanut butter, white sugar and egg. Mix until smooth.

Drop spoonfuls of dough onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for 6 to 8 minutes. Do not overbake!

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I've always made the ones on the back of the Jif jar.  A no flour cookie could be interesting. My SIL would like it, they are GF.


I did not get to yoga yesterday.  My dh and I watched a movie last night.  We stayed up late since everything was closed/cancelled here because of the snow. We watched the newest Mission Impossible.  It was fun.  


Today I did Yoga Primary again. This is my 3rd time this week doing a full primary practice. It felt good.  I'm planning on reading then making cookies for the rest of the afternoon. :)

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I have succumbed to this cold. No bodyweight class for me tonight---the congestion and ear pain are too much :(


I met with the nutritionist/RD this am. She wants me to up my protein and caloric intake but to not up the fats. This could be tricky. She gave me samples of three different types of protein powders (that I can buy at the local natural foods store) to try out, but suggested I wait until I can taste food again :lol:

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I have succumbed to this cold. No bodyweight class for me tonight---the congestion and ear pain are too much :(


I met with the nutritionist/RD this am. She wants me to up my protein and caloric intake but to not up the fats. This could be tricky. She gave me samples of three different types of protein powders (that I can buy at the local natural foods store) to try out, but suggested I wait until I can taste food again :lol:


I cannot remember, Luckymama- is the nutrition advice in order to lose weight or to have more energy?

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I cannot remember, Luckymama- is the nutrition advice in order to lose weight or to have more energy?

To lose weight. We're going to try this to jumpstart my metabolism. If it doesn't seem to be working after a month, we'll try something else.


I have oodles of energy when I'm not sick. I have no health problems. My thyroid is fine per the full panel last year. So it's stupid perimenopause, basically.

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Luckymama, hope you feel better soon.  My dh had the cold all last week, now my dd18 has it.  I keep taking vitamin c hoping to avoid it but I feel as if I'm doomed.


perimenopause stinks.  I've been having frequent mini hot flashes, my "friend" is late (in part thanks to being super messed up because of my two daughters. The oldest came home last month for Christmas break and it affected me), and my stomach has been off. Blah.  I'm so over this and it's just really getting started.  


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Catching up. On Wednesday I did yoga, ran on Thursday and went to the gym on Friday. Today I'm taking my 12 and 8 yo to the circus and lunch,nthen i promised hair dying help to the 17 yo this afternoon. The 14yo has indoor soccer at 7. I don't see a window for working out today. Oh and 21 yo wants oversight to file his taxes. Long day.

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