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Any 1/23 SAT takers expecting inclement weather this weekend?

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This Saturday will be the last time the current (aka "old") format will be given. We are expecting snow, and a substantial amount at that. Virginians in general, and myself in particular, are/were not taught how to drive in snow. No matter, we close nearly everything anyway.


After nearly 20 minutes on the phone w/ College Board this morning, the rep could not tell me which format  (old or new) would be given on the rescheduled test day should the school be closed this Saturday. I must await notification from the CB should it be cancelled. (It will be.)


Anyone else facing this situation? Anyone have a school reschedule, and if so, how much later was it given? 


Of course this storm will prevent me from seeing dd's performance at her college this weekend too.







Edited by Angie in VA
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It's Virginia.  I would hold my breath on the snow forecast.  We could get a massive 18" snow, but we will probably get nothing. (other than sold out grocery stores and long lines for the rest of the week.)



True, true. So glad we shopped over the weekend, you know just regular shopping.


A friend says if you don't have enough bread, milk, toilet paper, etc. to get through a Virginia snow, you don't shop right. Lol.

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I sure hope no one was hurt in that fire.


It was just a small fire (maybe just some smoke...) in the boiler room.  There wasn't much damage and no one was hurt. What a pain, though -- it was halfway through the test, so the kids had to come back and do the whole thing over.

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I don't even want to think about the possibility of rescheduling! This Jan date was deliberately chosen for dd to take subject tests because (1) the university is on winter session so she doesn't have class and (2) almost every weekend between Feb and APs is already busy!


For the first time in my life I am hoping for no snow.


(We are a bit north of you.)

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It was just a small fire (maybe just some smoke...) in the boiler room.  There wasn't much damage and no one was hurt. What a pain, though -- it was halfway through the test, so the kids had to come back and do the whole thing over.



Oh, man, that would annoy me so much! 



Thank you for your replies. 

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Not that this helps you, but that was why I pushed my 11th grader to take it in December even though that was the exact same day as her piano recital, and she was extremely busy in the days leading up to it.  She was NOT happy with me.


I had a similar conversation on the phone with them. They couldn't tell me what would happen in January if it got cancelled. Oh, the lovely College Board. I'm still a cynic after they told me not to worry about signing up for local AP testing until March, and then we ended up in a panic because most schools had done their registrations in December and January.

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Not that this helps you, but that was why I pushed my 11th grader to take it in December even though that was the exact same day as her piano recital, and she was extremely busy in the days leading up to it.  She was NOT happy with me.


I had a similar conversation on the phone with them. They couldn't tell me what would happen in January if it got cancelled. Oh, the lovely College Board. I'm still a cynic after they told me not to worry about signing up for local AP testing until March, and then we ended up in a panic because most schools had done their registrations in December and January.


My 11th grader has taken it already. This was one final shot to raise his scores, although I'm pleased w/ what he got. It's the last time this format will be given, and, since my ds is familiar w/ it, I hoped it would be over and done this weekend. It still could be, but you were wise to get it done before now. It will be interesting to see what happens. 


Regarding what the CB advised you on the AP? Grrrr!!!

Edited by Angie in VA
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We just got an e-mail to all teachers saying this Saturday's SAT is cancelled and rescheduled for Feb 20th.  More info to come later, but that's what's going on here in southern PA.


Yes, I had to call on AP registration, and the first thing she said was that indeed they are in the process of rescheduling. I guess that they're getting a lot of calls of course!

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