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Does Febreze work on musty fabrics?

Laura Corin

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We expensively dry-cleaned some sofa covers a year or two ago and then forgot about them.  I just pulled them out to put on the sofa and they smell musty.  I've shaken them out and aired them, but they still don't smell great.  Does Febreze fabric spray actually work some kind of magic to get rid of the smell, or does it just cover it up with perfume?



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I think it will be helpful.

My son used to use it on his 'musty' laundry right before dorm room inspection. :)


I've used it on a client's teenaged boy's shoes. Whew! It really helped the room smell fresher.

Edited by Happy
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I would say it is worth a try.  I find the scented versions a little strong, so I go for unscented usually.  The last bottle I bought was something like Linen and Sky (the store didn't sell unscented).  It smells like laundry detergent, so nothing horrible, but I wish is wasn't scented.  The scent goes away in a day or so. We have a shag rug in the family room that can hold some odors (I think it is mostly dd9s sweaty feet).  The rug isn't washable so I use the spray periodically to freshen it up. (I can't use baking soda on the rug because it wouldn't come out of the fibers due to the shag).


My main use, is that I use it on DD9s shoes.  She has the most horrendous smelling shoes if she doesn't wear socks.  It works pretty good for that purpose.  It really does seem to neutralize the smell.  I give them each a good 4 or 5 pumps of spray and turn them upside down to trap the spray inside.




The only air freshener for the house I used to buy is Lysol's Neutra Air. It is a sanitizing spray that I used to keep around for when ds's friends would pile in his bedroom (middle school age) and leave it smelling like a locker room.  I would use it in his room and the bathroom.  I liked that it sanitized as well as neutralized, to keep some of the germs down as well.

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