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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning... Hurray dd2 slept all by herself in her own bed in her and dd1's bedroom 😜 Wow this thread was 3 pages back, I was about to give up on finding it.

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- dishes- in dishwasher

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry- done for now, waiting for the other stuff to get done

- make sure dd1 has everything ready for school tomorrow- her bag is cleared of trash and she has her lunch menu and money in her folder

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- planned dinners for the next 2 weeks, made a tentative schedule of my week once school starts, put in my access codes for school, did some notes I'm behind on, started family tree, nap with dd2

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Real life, sigh.


--plan meals

--write grocery list

--plan week

--gather all APES material for the week

--prep Nigeria unit for comp gov

--box books for amazon buy-back

--place old home movies in date order (as a Christmas gift to my sisters, dh and I arranged to have all of our parents' movies digitized---I need to do this last step online before the company finalizes the order)

--gym with dh :)


All three kids will be here for dinner. Ds flies back to CA on Tuesday.

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Today I really need to play along.  I said I would yesterday then dh wanted to get out of the house.  We went for a LONG ride.  Just a sight seeing ride on a pretty day.  Didn't accomplish any cleaning but had a good time as a family.  :hurray:


Last night about 11:30-12am  I went to get a glass of ice water.  The ice maker seemed to be having problems.  Opened freezer to see if ice was stuck.  Instead found a thawing freezer.  Checked the fridge side and it was warming up :sad:


Moved freezer items to deep freeze, tossing what was already icky. 

Moved fridge items to extra fridge, tossing what was in doubt about

Pulled fridge out from wall and swept off back, lots of dust

Unplugged fridge.

Took off back cardboard panel and cleaned parts as best as I could

Plugged back in fridge. 


I had a few bottles of frozen water in freezer.  1 was almost totally thawed when I found it.  A couple others were still frozen.  I left them in there.  This morning the thawed one is mostly frozen again.  The other 2 that were still solid (left on the door of freezer) still are but the ice packs I left on the door are still liquid. 


So today I will be: 

cleaning the fridge really good inside and out

scrubbing floor behind and under fridge

dejunking the top of fridge


Depending on my energy level I will try to

clean shelving unit next to fridge -- may as well deep clean while fridge is pulled out :glare:


I am thankful that I caught it when I did (instead of losing everything) and thankful I have an extra fridge. 


Know what.... deep cleaning fridge, inside, out, top, back, under etc. was all on my "new year cleaning list".  :001_rolleyes:



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Good morning!

Baseball mom, what a terrible way to end the day! We had some kitchen excitement last night when a Pyrex dish exploded on the stove. Thankfully, no one was hurt and we are still finding small pieces of glass, despite, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, last night and this morning. FYI, Alton Brown is WRONG about Pyrex on the stovetop. Now, Dh knows that.


To do:

Clean kitchen


Clean up (dmil is entertaining Monday and Tuesday)

Swim practice (never, ever stops)

Work at house (Dh dismantling bed, me scrubbing out refrigerator in garage)

Dinner and watch football


Have a great day!

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Good afternoon, y'all!



Worship and Sunday school


To do:

Lunch and dinner are both cooking right now. 

I was going to take down the tree and out all the decs away, but yesterday was busy and I am going to relax and read this afternoon.

Perhaps listen to or watch some Circe lectures?

Take a walk.

Watch Nature with kids tonight and Downton Abbey by myself. :)

Make sure school table is clean, pencils sharpened etc. for tomorrow. Remind myself and kids about post vacation re-entry adjustments. ;)

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Fridge deep cleaned inside, outside (all around), top, walls behind & beside, swept and mopped under

Browned couple packs of ground beef (for freezer)

Cleaned 2 shelves on shelving unit next to fridge

Cleaned side of oven (next to trash can)

Swept and mopped in front of shelving unit & next to oven

Swept front porch

Ds1 cleaned out gutters

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Hi.  I'm checking in even though it's late, because I haven't been able to get on here much this week.


I think the last time I was on was New Year's Eve.  Well, we went to Lisbon (Portugal) that evening and walked to the square to see the fireworks.  Afterwards something happened and thousands of people were trying to go in opposite directions and we ended up in the middle of ... I don't know what to call it.  A crush?  We were being crushed from all sides as the crowd tried to get someplace where we could spread out and breathe.  It scared me.  I picked up my 9yo to carry her (lucky she's small) and my friends protected my 8yo and we got separated from each other.  Eventually the crowd did get to a point where we could spread out a bit and breathe, and we found each other, but man.  My chest was hurting hours later.  I've never had this happen before.  (I'm telling this here because there's no way I'm going to tell anyone close to me - they would freak.)


So anyhoo, my Happy New Year was a bit tainted, but we drove back through Spain and took a ferry to Morocco, which was a much better experience.  We hired a driver to takes us around Tangier, Marrakech, and Casablanca.  Today (Sunday) we returned on the ferry to Spain and drove to Granada, which is where we are now.  It's the wee hours of the morning here.  (I had to do some work for Monday.  How I'm gonna wake up I don't know.)


Sunday's list:

  • Get self & kids up & out to the tour guide.  See Casablanca.
  • Rush for the ferry (our driver got delayed by a cop who harassed him for a bribe).
  • Retrieve car & drive to Granada.
  • Take kids swimming and to dinner.
  • Rearrange suitcases so we only need to open 1 in our last hotel.
  • Work.
  • Now I need to go to bed!

Today (Monday) we will tour Granada and maybe some other places on the drive back to Barcelona.  We'll spend the night in Barcelona and then hop on a morning flight back to the Western hemisphere.

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