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Does anyone else use the questions from the U.S. naturalization civics exam. . .

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as part of the final for their U.S. Government course?


I've often thought that someone who is well prepared for these questions to become a naturalized citizen is better informed than the vast majority of citizens born in the U.S.  We can and should do better!

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I am doing that this year. With my oldest we did the practice online as review or something. I figured if she knew most of them after reading the civics/govt we did, then I felt better about giving an A.  So, we'll do it again this year with middle gal. can't decide if it will be informal or if I'll print it out. 

I think in my state there was some talk that public schools might have a similar or same test as part of their End of Course final since gov't is already a required course. 

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I've often thought that someone who is well prepared for these questions to become a naturalized citizen is better informed than the vast majority of citizens born in the U.S.  We can and should do better!


Err, no, I wouldn't say that. I became a naturalized citizen recently and no I wouldn't say that I am better informed having used these materials. US History & Government is not my strong point and I regret that I could pass so easily by just memorizing the answers (I do understand how the government works, I just didn't have more time at the time of my test to learn it to the depth that I wanted to). But since you say use it as "a part of" a final, I think it should be fine.

Edited by quark
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Yes, I have used the 100 questions from the citizenship exam as a final for DD's government credit :-) We had the booklets because we had just become citizens.


This said: studying the questions in the booklet is no substitute for instruction in US government. It covers way too little, and requires no depth. We used a real textbook to study government; we just used the test as a get-r-done way of assigning a grade. But the test alone would not meet my goals for being an informed citizen!

Edited by regentrude
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