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So I had a bizarre dream I've been laughing and pondering about today...

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I'm at a party and I run into Dennis Miller. We're chatting and I asked him a question (I don't recall what it was.) His reply was, "Well I don't know if I should drink a shot of ketchup or dance the jig with Elayne Boosler." :001_huh: Then I woke up. I've probably just been listening to D. Miller too much, but I'm really wondering how my brain put that together. :lol:


Any dream analyzers here?

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When I was 7 I had a dream that I was helping the smurfs build a wall to heaven. God kept zapping it down and we'd fall into a big pit with Gargamel and Azriel running around trying to catch us.


I think that was my first really wierd dream and haven't stopped since. My all time favorite is the dream about the money saving scheme the government came up with. One person from each family had to cut off their head to save money on groceries. So, me, being the selfless person I am , chose to be the one to get their head cut off.


For some reason in this dream when you get your head cut off you don't die. You just can't eat.


We were sitting on the couch: me, my dh, my three kids and my parents. Why one of my parents didn't have to cut their head off I don't know. They don't live with us or anything. My dh has this dull knife that he's trying to use to cut off my head. I grabbed it from him and said, "You are going to scar the kids if they have to wait so long for you to cut off my head" :001_huh: So, I gave him a really sharp axe and said, "Get it over with". Ok, so my head is off and inside of it is....... ice cream! My kids are overjoyed because there is all you can eat ice cream in mom's head :ack2:. yay! Everyone is having a blast but mom because she can't eat ice cream anymore :glare:


If you haven't done so already grab the popcorn :lurk5: because this movie continues.


That night after all the excitment has worn off (ice cream is gone) and no one has thanked mom for her sacrifice :mad:, I am sitting on the couch thinking about how I can't do anything anymore because I have no head. I can't read a book, watch a movie, or EAT! I was totally bummed.


One of the funniest things about that dream... In the morning my neck hurt where my dh was trying to saw it with the blunt knife. :001_huh:


I have so many good ones. I wake up frequently at night so I remember them really well. I sometimes do this 4 or 5 times a night.



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I'm at a party and I run into Dennis Miller. We're chatting and I asked him a question (I don't recall what it was.) His reply was, "Well I don't know if I should drink a shot of ketchup or dance the jig with Elayne Boosler." :001_huh: Then I woke up. I've probably just been listening to D. Miller too much, but I'm really wondering how my brain put that together. :lol:


Any dream analyzers here?


I'm not even going to try to analyze that one :lol:


I love Dennis Miller.


I once had a dream in which I was sick, and living in a friend's apartment. The band Yes came by to cheer me up by dancing a conga line. :001_huh:


I laughed so hard I woke myself up!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Two nights ago, I dreamt I was in an Italian bakery and had my pick of custard filled rolls. I picked lemon. Then I went to pay, thinking what a great price they were. But I only had dollars. When I figured out the exchange rate, I ended up paying $5 dollars for the roll and I was shocked. But I ate it anyway.

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Ok, so my head is off and inside of it is....... ice cream! My kids are overjoyed because there is all you can eat ice cream in mom's head :ack2:. yay!



That night after all the excitment has worn off (ice cream is gone) and no one has thanked mom for her sacrifice :mad:, I am sitting on the couch thinking about how I can't do anything anymore because I have no head. I can't read a book, watch a movie, or EAT! I was totally bummed.




I can't breathe. This is the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! :lol:


I thought I had some crazy dreams, but you guys have me beat. Mine aren't usually funny in the retelling.


A shot of ketchup? I think if you dream about drinking a shot of ketchup that means you're crazy. :lol::lol:

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Two nights ago, I dreamt I was in an Italian bakery and had my pick of custard filled rolls. I picked lemon. Then I went to pay, thinking what a great price they were. But I only had dollars. When I figured out the exchange rate, I ended up paying $5 dollars for the roll and I was shocked. But I ate it anyway.


I think your dream was obviously about the election. :lol:

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