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Just wanted to share how blessed I was today.

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After a trying week, I needed a day like this. A new friend from my church called and asked if she could come babysit my children for awhile today! I was able to go to the grocery store without 5 little ones tagging along. I was able to catch up on cooking and household chores without interruption.


To top it off, my church has decided to help me with all the things around the house that can be hard to get to as a single mom. They have a deacon I can call whenever something needs to be done around here, and he will coordinate things so the work gets done. He stopped by today and fixed a few things, like a window that wouldn't lock, and shoveled the driveway, stairs, and sidewalk. He is getting a team together to come tear up the sub-floor in the basement that was damaged by flooding. He walked through the house with me asking what I could use done in each room.


I felt so cared for and supported today. Just had to share. . .

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That's so wonderful! My church has been very supportive and helpful to me, too. I even had a deacon tell me a few weeks ago that he feels I have been doing too much and that I should take a break (I'm a deaconess). He even suggested that he and I meet with the pastor to find ways to make my kitchen duties a bit lighter. I was so touched and really felt loved that someone noticed that I've been working on a lot of things. And, the pastor agreed and we have some new policies in place.


I'm glad your church is so supportive. :)

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