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What is the name of the PBS series...

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What is the name of the PBS series similar to Frontier House, about a modern family who agrees to live as if they were in the 1700s? I thought it was

1700s House or 1800s House but those searches yielded nothing. I only remember seeing a little portion of one episode that aired on PBS years ago. Anyone remember the name of this series???:confused:

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Awww... 1900 House was great, but Colonial House was disappointing.


Some of the people wanted to live the way colonists did, others refused and couldn't let go of 20th century mindsets. Many were lazy and they didn't make their production goals, but most of the troublemakers thought htings were fine and historians didn't understand- they would have survived despite their lack of work.


I wanted to watch and see what life was like for colonists. I ended up watching a series with a bunch of people causing trouble and feuling conflicts. Maddening!

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Awww... 1900 House was great, but Colonial House was disappointing.


Some of the people wanted to live the way colonists did, others refused and couldn't let go of 20th century mindsets. Many were lazy and they didn't make their production goals, but most of the troublemakers thought htings were fine and historians didn't understand- they would have survived despite their lack of work.


I wanted to watch and see what life was like for colonists. I ended up watching a series with a bunch of people causing trouble and feuling conflicts. Maddening!


I actually wrote a letter to PBS about both the Frontier House and Colonial House. They were awful. Besides the one guy who built his house with his dad on FH, the rest were awful. I could not understand how they chose these people. All the drama on the Colonial House, folks not wanting to go to church or coming out. They would have been killed or at the least shunned/kicked out of the settlement. Few seemed to really want to experience what it was like in either of the shows. It was MTV comes to PBS. Yuck!

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Colonial House was really disappointing. I kept yelling at the TV, "You are all going to starve!" They purposely picked people who would make trouble, so they could have plenty of drama--just trying to live in a different time isn't enough for them, so they have to ruin it. Grrr.


Most embarrassingly, that pompous preacher who also wanted to be mayor and run everything, and his aggravating wife, are from my city. Which is full of wonderful, lovely people, by the way. I think they moved.



I did kind of like Manor House though. "This house is killing meeee!" We say that around here sometimes.

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I agree that the spoilsports who couldn't really get into character for these programs were annoying but it was interesting to see how different personalities chose to handle things. All of those shows deepened my appreciation for the nature of the work women did. Wow.

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