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Rod and Staff Science or BJU Science 4th grade


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Just thinking about next year's school year with regards to science. We are currently using BFSU with two 3rd graders and one second grader. It's fun and requires some preplanning. We have taken out lots of living books from the library, as suggested by the author. The kids seem to be learning a lot....... BUT...... we are not getting it done as much as I would like. I'm thinking for next year to use a program that will get done more frequently, but still be thorough.


We are using R and S English this year and the kids seem to really like it. They like the brevity of it and they know what to expect from lesson to lesson. I looked at BJU and R and S Science and both look pretty good. I can still use living books in conjunction to what they are learning in the lesson. I'm reaching out to see what others have used for Science and/or if you have a preference between BJU or R&S.



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Thank you for your insight. Did/do you use R&S Science with your kids?  Which program do others use if not R&S or BJU? I would appreciate any additional feedback regarding these two programs though!


The current R&S science series was published after I finished hsing, so, no, I didn't use them. They would be at the top of my list, though, if I were hsing again and I wanted a textbook.


Something else that looks very good is Considering God's Creation.

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For elementary, I have liked both. We are currently using R&S 5th and 6th grade. So far, it is going well.  We previously used BJU 4th grade and really enjoyed it. I liked the student activities manual that came with BJU. It was a nice addition. R&S is a lot cheaper than BJU though. 

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IMHO, I think R&S science is awful. Sorry. (And I love R&S and CLE.) I love BJU science, but I wouldn't start out before 6th. It's very thorough and a little tedious and I personally don't think that level of detail is necessary for elementary. I'd do fun stuff, kids, experiments, field trips, etc. I'd read lots of great books and visit as many nature things for kids as possible (state parks, etc). I now have a freshman taking BJU biology and Apologia chem, and she's doing great in both despite our having taken a relaxed approach to science until grade 6.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'd like to interject that A Beka's 4th grade science was one of my son's favorite years in science. If you don't use the Health textbooks, that gives you time to add in living books and follow rabbit trails. It covers a good variety of topics and includes a study of all the state birds. 


Here is the student textbook




and the great activity book



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I can't comment on R&S since I haven't used it for science, but I tried Apologia, BFSU (WAAAAY too much teacher prep), and finally settled on BJU Distance Learning DVDs. I will NEVER switch again! I can't even tell you how much I love this curriculum! First of all, my husband and I both have a medical background, took lots of college science courses, and we know this is a meaty science curriculum. Second - I love the Distance Learning DVDs because there is almost no teacher prep (except for the occasional projects which use common items), and I can actually trust the curriculum to teach everything needed without my prep. We are super busy, driving to and from extracurricular activities and I can just pop the DVD in the car DVD player and hand them the text when they need to pause the program and read. Then they complete the activity manual on their own and we complete the occasional project at home when we have time. They love science and it gets done!! Honestly, this is one of my absolute favorite curriculum choices!!

Edited by Carolinagirl1
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