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Exercise 9/17


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my run was at the usual time. With a black dog and running next to a busy street, I want the cars to be able to see him. I'm wondering about getting a reflective leash or I've seen some that actually light up. Which is better??


Anyway, ran 2.98 miles, 30:?? min, 10:07 pace (I don't know how that is possible!), 347 calories, fastest mile to date! (I'm not too sure about that one either.)


Since dh sent me an article that nike+ iPod isn't accurate, I wonder about my runs. Especially when I ran the same thing today as yesterday. Yesterday it said 3.1 miles, today only 2.98 miles. BUT for a recreational runner, I know it's fine!

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Great job! See you can get it done early. (It was you that was saying your exercise was getting later and later, right?)

Yep that was me. I have to own up to the fact that I did growl at dh when he said come on good looking let's go walking a 4:55 He was up at 4:30 and was bright and chipper by the time he woke me up. I had also walked 6.5 miles last night so it was not easy to drag myself out of bed this morning. But I am glad I have gotten in half of my miles for the day Dh and I also have great talks on our early morning walks.

I think a reflective collar/leash for you pup is a great idea.

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my run was at the usual time. With a black dog and running next to a busy street, I want the cars to be able to see him. I'm wondering about getting a reflective leash or I've seen some that actually light up. Which is better??


Anyway, ran 2.98 miles, 30:?? min, 10:07 pace (I don't know how that is possible!), 347 calories, fastest mile to date! (I'm not too sure about that one either.)


Since dh sent me an article that nike+ iPod isn't accurate, I wonder about my runs. Especially when I ran the same thing today as yesterday. Yesterday it said 3.1 miles, today only 2.98 miles. BUT for a recreational runner, I know it's fine!



I kind of wondered about the Nike+ thing myself....It says 1.67 on a distance that I've measured in my car as 1.4...so I don't think it is perfect, but as you say, still fine for people like me. And you. :)


I didn't do anything this a.m. I might run later, but I have to mow some more later...and I just didn't feel it this morning.

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Yep that was me. I have to own up to the fact that I did growl at dh when he said come on good looking let's go walking a 4:55 He was up at 4:30 and was bright and chipper by the time he woke me up. I had also walked 6.5 miles last night so it was not easy to drag myself out of bed this morning. But I am glad I have gotten in half of my miles for the day Dh and I also have great talks on our early morning walks.

I think a reflective collar/leash for you pup is a great idea.



Great job Mrs. Walksalot! :)

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I did a 20 min. ride on my bike today. Not real stellar, but 20 min. of activity is better than no activity, right? I think I burnt about 225 cals. I realized this morning that I'm probably only going to be able to ride the bike every other day, alternating with some walking. It's just a little too uncomfortable, iykwim. :)

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I did a 20 min. ride on my bike today. Not real stellar, but 20 min. of activity is better than no activity, right? I think I burnt about 225 cals. I realized this morning that I'm probably only going to be able to ride the bike every other day, alternating with some walking. It's just a little too uncomfortable, iykwim. :)


Great job on the ride Monica!


BTW, your rear will grow accustomed to the seat, eventually. I used to be sore every single Saturday. Now I only hurt when I fall off my bike, and then it's not usually my rear. (This week it's my foot.)

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Great job on the ride Monica!


BTW, your rear will grow accustomed to the seat, eventually. I used to be sore every single Saturday. Now I only hurt when I fall off my bike, and then it's not usually my rear. (This week it's my foot.)


Thanks for the hope!!!!

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Good job y'all!


As for the Nike+ ipod thing, you know that you can calibrate it for your stride. I haven't bothered because I found that when it says 3 miles, it's really about 2.9 and that's close enough for me. I have not had any problems with it telling me a different distance for the same run.


I'm not running today because not only do I have tkd tonight, but we are testing for our 3rd chevron on our 1st degree black belts. That will definitely be enough workout for me today. And that means our next test will be for 2nd degree recommended and the one after that will be for 2nd degree black belt. Whoo hoo!

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Thanks for the link to this thread Krazzymommy! I thought it was weird one hadn't been started BUT I actually used the search button to search for "exercise." You would have thought it would have come up!! :tongue_smilie:


I did 4 miles today! Now, I need to get off the computer and rest a little so I can do the afternoon part of my day!:)

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Good job y'all!


As for the Nike+ ipod thing, you know that you can calibrate it for your stride. I haven't bothered because I found that when it says 3 miles, it's really about 2.9 and that's close enough for me. I have not had any problems with it telling me a different distance for the same run.


See the funny thing is I did calibrate it. And it still does it. I calibrated it months ago. I think it's just a glorified step counter and gets confused when I shuffle as opposed to run.


I'm not running today because not only do I have tkd tonight, but we are testing for our 3rd chevron on our 1st degree black belts. That will definitely be enough workout for me today. And that means our next test will be for 2nd degree recommended and the one after that will be for 2nd degree black belt. Whoo hoo!


Wow! That's a lot. Good luck tonight!

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has helped me stay motivated.

This thread has been a #1 motivation too!! :iagree:

Lacy :)


Great job on your run Lacy!


And be prepared to cry as you run the race. The pink caps and shirt are one thing, we expect to see those at the race. They are the breast cancer survivors if you didn't know. It's the people with papers on their backs "In Memory of" mom, grandma, aunt soandso that make me cry. Especially when the "in memory of mom" paper is on a someone a lot younger than me! The tears at "in celebration of" are happy tears! I lovelovelove the "In celebration of me!" papers. Then it tends to say how many years.

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I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping it will work out for me to run, as I am a midwife and don't always know when the babies are coming.. Thanks for the encouragement!! There are many survivors, and I believe in the cause too!



Great job on your run Lacy!


And be prepared to cry as you run the race. The pink caps and shirt are one thing, we expect to see those at the race. They are the breast cancer survivors if you didn't know. It's the people with papers on their backs "In Memory of" mom, grandma, aunt soandso that make me cry. Especially when the "in memory of mom" paper is on a someone a lot younger than me! The tears at "in celebration of" are happy tears! I lovelovelove the "In celebration of me!" papers. Then it tends to say how many years.

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I've got to hand it to you bike riders. I rode my bike down the stupid hill to get ds and powered back up it my legs were burning 10X worse than running the stupid thing. However, I think I will incorporate atleast 1 bike ride around each day those stupid hills may be good for the glutes. It's just a cheap $49 target special mtn bike we bought years ago for family bike rides to the park on flat Tucson rodes. I do plan to get something nicer soon.

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